Crafters beware! I crafted @ a cost of approx 2mil gil, then tried for weeks to sell, listing many times on AH.I wound up selling on Bazaar for 700k. I took a beating on this synth and just wanted to help other alchemist out.
If you're a BLU and you're wanting to have that signature "Blue Mage" feeling sword, then don't bother with the Adaman Kilij. Get a Demonslayer or a Dragonslayer. Same stats, same price, but both have a useful added "Killer" effect. Better value, in my opinion.
if a rdm in your LS has wyrm pants and they try to cast refresh on you or heal you their is a chance you will intimidate them causing the cast to be messed up.
Do not buy this sword unless you plan on utilizing the "Dragon Killed" on Fafnir or something. Reason I say that is because once you buy it, you will have hard time reselling it. I bought one once and NOT ONLY it took me a month to get rid of it BUT ALSO i had to take a 50k loss on it. Good Luck.