You can get 99 free Bronze Bullets every 24 hours through the new Bronze Bandolier belt that you can get from the South Gustaberg Treasure Casket. Each belt can dispense 99 bullets 50 times, giving a free 4950 bullets.
I wouldn't toss the idea of no x66 away. I just crafted a bunch of bullets and I only got x99. I'm not saying thats sufficent evidence to say there is no x66, but rather then say he is wrong because wiki says so, why not have someone post when they do get x66s, and no "I recall getting x66", because recalling is not always so accurate.
Usually when I craft something with HQ0-3 I get HQ 1 much more then 2 or 3. So it is odd that with these I got HQ 2-3 over 10 times, but no HQ1.
Wiki is a great source of information, but it is also user created, and sometime people just copy an paste results from other similar crafts, and everyone accepts it. I've searched around an seen other posts stating no x66s so maybe theres a reason for that.
Maybe there is no x66s, or maybe the Tiers are backwards and HQ3 is x66.
I'm not entirely sure, but maybe posting some synth results would help clarify.
I'm Tier 1 for these, I yielded 38 crafts of x33, 11 crafts of x99, 4 breaks.
err Ctownwoody i hate to disagree with you but there seams to be alot of other sites that say otherwise. you may never have had a 66 but that dosent mean that it dosent exisit. because wiki seams to think other wise.
If Ctownwoody is a crafter, it's better to take his word for it then that of websites which might list some data based on assumptions and not actual tests.