All Mathletes aside... this bow would be better for rng not only b/c of higher base dmg, but the -5 enmity will make you more of an asset to the party by making it easier to shed your hate. Its not always about being the biggest hitting... its being a hard hitter while being able to stay alive. So that being said, in my opinion Seige Bow > V/E Bow.
Being level 80 beyond, you don't need so much RACC, rest in peace e/v bow. The main damage base, enmity down and rapid shot+ this bow has to offer trump everything e/v or selenes bow does. Was a good run.
This is a REALLY high drop rate from Chukwa, a Free-spawning adamantoise NM in Abyssea - Tahrongi.
The NM, Upon aggro, retreats into his shell and begins casting a spell.
He has access to all High-Tier Water and Earth based spells, Including Quake II, Flood II, Waterga IV, Stonega IV, Stone V, and Water V.
While inside his shell he takes heavily reduced Magic and Physical Damage (Quick Draw unaffected). However, While he is casting a spell he takes normal damage.
He'll frequently use Mighty Strikes, at which point he will come out of his shell and attack, as well as spam Tortoise Stomp (His only TP move)
He can use TP moves inside his shell (Tortoise Stomp) as well.
Easy NM, Can be Duo'd by 2CORs, 2BLMs, basically any combination of a Ranged or Magic DD, Can also be taken normal style with a Tank + DD as long as -AGA IV's are stunned.
Semi easy solo for RDM or BLM. Very easy duo by two or more BLM RNG SCH RDM as long as you have at least one mage. 1/12 on Creed Collar, 6/12 on Siege Bow. 2 Chukwa's Eggs dropped every kill.
1/1 on drop. Really easy with 2xRng 2xBlm,Rdm. Whoever has hate kite. Runs fairly slow. Rng's DD while in shell, Blms when out of shell. Took about 15min.