i guess i'm just very unlucky @ this drop. i started camping this Nm when i was 64 thf. could barely solo him that time. even when i became 75 thf i killed him alot so the total number of times i killed him goes over 40 now and i've never had a tusk drop. got a ring twice though >.<
I've killed this now for more than 300 times and i think the droprate is about 8-14% on tusk, 20% on ring and 10-30% on socks and 40% bugard skin lol. If you kill this for 10 times in a row its pretty sure that you will get a tusk.
i have a killed this mob too much time for like 8drop for the tusk i just dropped it again but as nin/war the rate is very low i remember first time igot the tusk i sold it like 500k now it's 150k in remora --,