This is a nice staff, however, once you use up the 50 MP bonus it would be more worth while to equipt Templar Mace and Numinous Shield +1. With that combination you get 8MND bonus and a bit of elemental def. (I find this specially helpful on Kirin) and even +15 MP. That’s much better than just having +10% potency from healing staff once you have used up the MP buff it gives. Don’t forget that Templar mace also has +10% cure potency so you do not lose that by switching to it.
The NM Roc drops a Rare/Ex version of this staff called Dryad Staff. So if you have time (and want to save yourself some gil) I would suggest camping him. 21-24 hour pop, about 20% drop rate. I went 1/6. Personally I dont feel this is worth the price its going for, like Tsohlu said, there are other good options out there.
I agree with the crowd, in that it is a fantastic staff. But its only adnormally good stat is the 50mp. </3 whm that main this 100% of the time. Start with this staff/staff strap, use up your mp pool, then switch to mnd/vit/haste/-enmity. Don't be lazy and think this is the 'end-all' for whm
This is not the best staff for whm but it is great for a 55 whm and is extremely nice to have until you can get a templars mace. Light Staff is slightly better after the +50 mp is used and Dark Staff/Pluto's is needed for recovery. Thats my .02cents
Not worth it in my opinion. When resting, you'd switch over to Dark/Pluto's Staff for mp, so that +50 MP bonus is not available to you while resting until you are at full mp. The only time in a party that you would really be at full mp for this to even help you is at the beginning or after a long rest, so why not go for the light/apollo's staff?
You're also going to need a light/apollo's staff for repose, so might as well just save yourself some gil, unless you have the EX/rare version. Just my opinion though.
Tried and tested, this staff is actually out performed by lightstaff. Cure modifiers being mnd and for cure IV and V vit as well. Apollo's staff is the best for resists, and Templar mace is the best overall cure item depending upon weather and day. The mp is a nice boost at level 55, but a endgame Whm gets a wide variety of mp equips.
I think this staff is really nice to have, even more so now that the staff strap is around. I'm trying to get this staff I don't care if it's the rare/ex one of this one I want it XD