Honostly this is a Holy sword for Tier II Enspells, Single hit, Added damage, can boost Enspell II up to quite a nice number.
That being said, Joyeuse/Justice combo with Teir I Enspell will in most occasion still out DD this =<
However, Enhancing/Joyeuse with Teir I Enspell is hot in itself. Latent effect is very nice, and can be up 100% of the time if you watch your timers!
Still, Added humor is RDM is never a "DD" job, or even considered a "Melee" unless they're soloing with friends, or just plain soloing, (NMs, Campaign), and yet this sword is 2.2mi+ on Asura... hehe.
Completely worth it though if you're an advocate of RDM melee =P but keep it solo <3.
This sword is no longer worth the 1M price tag, and the history is showing it. It's now replaced with the STR/Attack Shamshir (DMG:48 Delay:230 STR+6 Attack+16). It's nice in an enspell build, since those are capped on 20 dmg, but otherwise it's outdated.