True cost is as follows:
Darksteel Kris: Darksteel Ingots normally go for 5,000 gil each on AH. Darksteel ores can be mined if you have the time. If you have the smithing, its cost is 5,025 Darksteel Ore from AH and Iron Ore from guild for 675 each. If you have the smithing, you can try to HQ2 steel ingots from iron ores or you can buy iron sand from merchants at the max of 2,300 gil each. They can be farmed. Bomb ash is common bomb drop. If you have high goldsmithing, you can try to HQ2 painites from shadow geodes and black rocks, otherwise, they go for 5,000 gil on AH.
Animal Glue: Bone chips are common drops from skeletons. Distilled Water can be bought cheaply from each city standard merchant. Rabbit hides are a rabbit common drop. Each ingredient can also be bought cheaply on AH.
Venom Potion: Cobalt Jellyfish can be fished or bought by guild at the max of 200 each to craft mercury Scorpion claws are a common scorpion drop to craft venom dust.