This is a great weapon if you got it with dom ops. Before you go handing out the hate for it bc you get far better weapons from the magain trail and i am not saying that the is better, what i am saying is this thats only good for 3 jobs and as we all know aby nowdays needs jobs to be skilled in a vast number of weapons and moogle weapons just dont cut that.
This is by far the best weapon you can get for the other jobs that can not use the Killa/+1/+2 and if its a second job and you got weapons ready at 90 from say thf and your leveling dancer a dagger with up to 42 damage at level 77 is unheard of.
@Sneph: It should be noted that only THF, BRD, and DNC can use magian daggers. Lots of other jobs can use this. I saw a NIN using one that had DMG+6 and Crit dmg+5%.
"Compared to the magian trial weapon, really can't hold a candle to it."
I take that back. Trial weapons can't hold a candle to getting this if you get lucky or have a lot of notes. I picked up a +8 DMG +4% crit spending about 190,000 Dominion notes. It took maybe 10 minutes of trading AND you npc the crap ones. 10 minutes compared to the 50+ hours wasted on my other daggers, not the least of which the STR Kila. Kinda hilarious when you think about it.
With max fame NPC’s for 7,012 each. It should be noted if buying these with Dominion Notes to NPC for gil that the Polearm Guisarme from Abyssea-Altepa and the Great Katana Yukitsuga from Abyssea-Grauberg sells for the most tied at 7,152 each with max fame.