Actually Sephirothx... The drop rate on this item is fairly decent, In about 2hours you could have a stack depending on your job. as a THF with THF3 i can get a stack in a little over 2hours, which is pretty decent. if i had to guess, with TH3, Drop rate may be around 10%, Which is about 1/10 kills.
However with that being said probably better things to farm out there
In response to Karbuncle's comment. If there is something better to farm out there I'd like to know what it is. I can make 37k an hour at the going price, and I know there are better things to farm out there, but I don't know what they are.
Even if you're lucky, you'll need 1Hr30-2Hr to get a full stack if you solo as Thf with TH3. And many of the diremites pop are tough. Flooding this item on AH will kill the price in no time and this farm will become useless. Good job guys, undercut more please ^o- !