For the people who can't get Nov/Mold combo this works well with Mold Earring.
However... Should seriously consider the benefits, resell time, and price of this when buying it. its 2MAB that will only last you until you can procure a novio.
If you don't see a Novio in your forseable future this is a good earring to pick up.
If you do see Novio... save yourself 2mil gil and wait it out, cause you'll probably have a real hard time selling it back.
2 INT would not outdamage 2 Magic attack bonus, ever. I believe 1 Magic attack bonus equates to roughly 2 INT, it's around 2 but not 3. Is why Yigit boots beats the Campaign ones.
For what its worth you aren't getting any magic acc out of this. No 2 int isn't going to beat damage output, but you have a chance of less resist with the int. If you're willing to spend 2mil why not just farm the ra/ex set that's 5MAB/MACC -- its free and will take less time than acquiring 1-2mil.
another "OK" peice introduced by SE, if u dont have a novio this is cool i guess, but u shoould be working at getting a novio anyway:P
in a slot where its only rival is novio and int+2 however its a nice peice pre-novio, otherwise it's pretty "Crapaud" >.>