Kerberoz , I don't see why you would disregard the Magic Acc , it's a crucial factor of this piece.
Granted Magic Crit , with such a low activation rate is worth little to nothing , the Magic Acc will still benefit you very well over time , assuming we're looking at high-end mobs and not at trash like Flans.
Ive tested 250Freexe II on my BLM75(fully merrited) using this peice and the crit grip giving me +5% magic crit hit bonus. however for some reason this procs more frequently than 5% of the time . out of 250 nukes my usual latents active AM2 freeze was 1936. crit was above 2010 , the rate at which it occured was 73/250. (nearly 30%), is there a hidden crit % already introduced?
all data was used from non-ice day/weather day and with both ugy +sorc latents active on EVERY freeze II.
Disregarding the Magic Acc and MND (nice for Stoneskin, but a very expensive replacement for Penitent's), it'll perform slightly below Sorcerer's Belt over time.
2% chance of +10 MAB... 0.2 MAB average and 5 INT versus 6 INT
Of course it's vastly inferior to an elemental obi on the matching day, but so is everything.
As far as I know, there could be a magic acc bonus on "magic crits" but it has not been tested/proven yet. It's unlikely to be significant.
the part that makes me want this is the magic acc +2, but not so much for nukes but for Bind on RDM/NIN solo. when it comes to the 5 star difficulty soloes, can use every last boost you can get, something to upgrade to last tho, once you done just about every other HQ item
Obtainable from the Campaign Op "Splitting Heirs", only available when San d'Oria is in control of La Vaule (S). This is the ONLY area that needs to be owned; requiring ALL areas is a common misconception!
To be very clear, comparing this to Sorcerer's Belt:
Witch Sash gives 7 MACC when dINT is less than +10, or 4.5 MACC when dINT is +10. It also gives roughly 0.2 MAB (over time).
Sorcerer's Belt gives 6 MACC with less than +10 dINT and 3 MACC at +10 dINT. And, of course, +1 INT of damage over the Witch Sash.
This means we're talking about a MACC difference of 1 MACC on high INT mobs and 1.5 MACC on every other mob, with the advantage going towards the Witch Sash. And, of course, 1 INT clearly beats .2 MAB, advantage Sorcerer's Belt.
People seem to be debating its use solely for BLM when RDM can make alot of use from this as the m.acc is significant in landing enfeebles, again the crit. hit rate is just a novel bonus for a RDM, im not assigned for my nuking capabilities.
Hard to tell if the people saying Sorc belt is better have ever nuked anything tougher than a pudding. I use this over penitent's rope just because it has +2 magic acc and does not have -20 HP. I care less about the magic crit, thats just a bonus. It's a great enfeebling belt and it can be used on BLM RDM and WHM.