I remember when Barone were 10~20k, Konru. Now that the price has roughly risen to the same price as these, Exorcist Hose are the better choice regarding Barone Cosciales, because Accuracy is king in FFXI.
Good AH option for Beastmaster if you don't have Byakko's/Barbarossa's/Skadi. Undead Killer is also a notable addition as it's one of the few killer traits BST does not naturally get.
Lamia 19 can spawn if people nea her pop have low HP as well, i was doing the Qutrub ZNM and once he was at 5% he started spamming AoE drain nobody died from a full ally but we were all in yellow then Lamia 19. popped and proceded to cause us to wipe after qutrub died. which is why I avoid doing that ZNM now.