Fuma Sune-ate or Dune Boots (I'm mentioning only "common" gears) are in my opinion much better than these ; however you should never try to skill up guard without these gaiters ; and you should never use Counterstance without macro'ing these, because the Counterstance enhancement here doesn't lower your VIT more, but increases drastically your Counter rate.
Note : for all those MNKs thinking Counterstance is a useless JA, I point out that wile being a very situational JA, it is really sweet when you can use it.For example: if your MNK is decently pimped enough, do some Campaign in West Sarutabaruta as MNK/DNC, get a MNK-BRD-SMN-NIN-SAM regular yagudo mob (no NM! lol), solo or tank it, use Counterstance, and... enjoy! you'll pawn them really hard with counter rate like 2/3 or 3/4 (with Osode and Counter merits 3/5).
Great for Counterstance tanking, like all MNK AF2, it has a situational use, and you will notice the increase in Counter rate when you macro these in for Counterstance use.