As a high Veteran Goldsmither, I can tell you that we make these at cost or less to lvl our goldsmithing, these are not a money maker. If you want to calculate cost, figure out how much 1 fire crystal, 1 earth crystal, 1 wind crystal, 2 Orichalcum Ingots, and 1 elemental ore costs. You will soon see that the price of these are driven by the costs of the orichalcum (miners/ect) and elemental ores (gardeners/ect).
I love how roughly 64% of all comments on an item are whinning about rmt's, its funny when a majority of the time its the player base that undercuts each other not rmt they will generally sell an item for what its worth at the time of putting it up. no one can say they've NEVER once undercut someone else as i have done it myself personally.
Prices on Asura are fluctuating due to RMT. People are getting ripped off by these RMT using 3rd pty tools and market manipulation tactics.
Last bunch of RMT that did this, I reported and they were kicked.
Key thing: Report their use of third party tools, then that they are RMT.
SE can see third party tools and see it easier than RMT.
for players selling these why not look who needs them on your server and for what price using the "Wanted" part of this site under the item thus defeating RMT controlling the price.
if you look at this item you can clearly see 90% of the cheaper salls are bought out by RMT and sold later for alot more and yet ppl sell them at 150 when if they bother to look ppl on there server want them for 170-200k... your helping RMT and screwing yourself out of gil too.
There also price fixing on Asura chars involved Kwame,Deavin,Lublanc,Toshire,Xspace,Scremy,Junboy,Ortegor,Shukudai,Harues,Shiruba,Pancer,Coorck,Urfugly,Lrenu,Rexomuz,Elomendl,Txoucg maybe more of them thats the names of the RMTS price fixing that i have found so far