This ring is obtainable through the "An Acrididaen Anodyne" quest, which require fame level 3, in "Abyssea - Attohwa". It will have a random augment and the quest is repeatable (after zoning).
NPCing for 8700 Gil each ring, if you're not satisified with the result of the augment, which the NPC gave you as reward by done of the Quest in Abyssea-Attohwa and it's repeatable. Good luck^^
yes this is partialy true i also had hq animation but still got nq result , after speaking to a GM he confirmed item indeed exists but that nothing is wrong with the result i got, my only conclution is that it must be a HQ2 or HQ3 that is needed to make these
This ring is no longer attainable due to an update in the past, I dont recall what update it was but many people lost the HQ rings when they were downgraded to NQ rings.
So this ring HAS been in the game, but removed, as has many other elements like Utsusemi: San.