Actually, this or it's much harder to come by HQ are outright the best (overall) WS macro for WHM. You lose 3-5 ACC from Reverend Mail, but the MND-5 on that piece ultimately hurts Hexa Strike. This piece (or the +1) has STR+ which modifides Hexa Strike, leaves your MND alone, and still has some acc+.
TP in Reverend Mail, even soloing anything with high evasion, (or Dare I say it, Hydra Doublet). No refresh? Suck it up, with a B+ rating in club you need the acc+ for TP gain.
Rate me down all you like, this is just my opinion. I refuse to sacrfice accuracy as WHM.
For further referrence on my opinions, read (CaitSith's) Kalessa's Blog entries on Melee WHM.
To elaborate on Lilaan, this body should only ever be used for WS prior to Rev. Mail. If you're soloing, TP in nobles, cast spells (Utsu/Flash/SS) in Goliard, and WS in this (or Rev. Mail). If you're still having acc problems while TPing, eat sushi, wear better acc rings, and remember that we don't have an A in club.