No *** here, i did the mistake of trading him 67x100 byne bill + 33x 1 byne bill by accident, and that ^$%$)@)_ gave me 'Koh-I-Noor' and took 33x 100 byne bill ....
This mistake cost me 33x100 byne bill to waste...
I did of course call GM, but they say is not a glitch, and they currently using my '1 time restore service'.... i of course send EMAIL to SE about this is not right @ all.
How to ObtainCannot be sold on the Auction House, but can be traded and bazaared.
NPCName Location Type
Haggleblix Beadeaux (E-7) NPC
Trade to Him: Receive:
100 x 1 Byne Bills 1 x 100 Byne Bill
100 x 100 Byne Bills 1 x 10,000 Byne Bill
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