From wiki:
Found in Dynamis:
* Beaucedine
* Jeuno
* Qufim
* San d'Oria
* Valkurm
* Xarcabard
Also found in Union coffers after campaign battle in:
* Southern San d'Oria (S)
* Batallia Downs (S)
* The Eldieme Necropolis (S)
* La Vaule (S)
* Jugner Forest (S)
* Vunkerl Inlet (S)
Trade Lootblox (Davoi J-7) 100 x O. Bronzepiece to obtain 1 x M. Silverpiece.
Now drops from the orc NM's in dynamis San'd Oria and Beaucedine Glacier, if i remember correctly can also be dropped off certain Hydra NM's, like the attestation ones.
I'm not certain whether you need a proc to *unlock* this item and see it drop in the pool or whether it can still drop without proc only at a much lower rate.
Personally i've never seen a 100 under the new dynamis system.
If you have a large quantity of bronze pieces to sell, please send a me a PM through the website (please only quantities only larger than 3000, no limit).