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Stock 3
Taux Lent (0.733 Vendu/Jour)
M 62,500,050
Max 90,000,000
Mini 50,000,000
Moyenne 61,726,002
Dernier 55,000,000
Historique des prix
23 Hours Ago55,000,000
23 Hours Ago53,100,000
2 Days Ago51,200,000
3 Days Ago50,000,000
GilPrice History2/72/172/223/43/80M20M40M60M80M100MExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Historique des prix (25)
Mar. 12, 2025KinparuHaeli55,000,000
Mar. 12, 2025AgnesekMithalyn53,100,000
Mar. 11, 2025YozoranJokerd51,200,000
Mar. 10, 2025YoulikeKspirit50,000,000
Mar. 8, 2025LdogsLilrmm55,000,000
Mar. 7, 2025KastraBinxy55,000,000
Mar. 7, 2025YaduRemevel51,000,000
Mar. 7, 2025MavuikaDisciplinedmace51,000,000
Mar. 6, 2025IeriooiAmeriaxx50,000,000
Mar. 4, 2025YaduLocrotienx52,000,000
BazaarShow All
Last Seen
Asura.Wahl PM600,00016Port Jeunoabout 2 hours ago
Asura.Nytrosis PM510,0001Port Jeunoabout 2 hours ago
Asura.Crolo PM500,00049Port Jeunoabout 5 hours ago
Asura.Blains PM500,0004King Ranperre's Tomb2 minutes ago
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 entries (filtered from 9 total entries)
Commentaires (8)
Fairy.Dylvana[Report] Score: 46
From wiki:
Found in Dynamis:
* Beaucedine
* Jeuno
* Qufim
* San d'Oria
* Valkurm
* Xarcabard

Also found in Union coffers after campaign battle in:
* Southern San d'Oria (S)
* Batallia Downs (S)
* The Eldieme Necropolis (S)
* La Vaule (S)
* Jugner Forest (S)
* Vunkerl Inlet (S)

Trade Lootblox (Davoi J-7) 100 x O. Bronzepiece to obtain 1 x M. Silverpiece.
2009-10-22 14:17:30
Cerberus.Swk[Report] Score: 24
Now also found in kindred crest bcnm 50 in yughott grotto
2011-05-10 11:32:01
Asura.Nehaa Montrer Score: -35
Well with the recent price change we now know just how many people are hording relic money lol
2014-02-18 07:09:15
Asura.Mekaider Montrer Score: -36
Now drops from the orc NM's in dynamis San'd Oria and Beaucedine Glacier, if i remember correctly can also be dropped off certain Hydra NM's, like the attestation ones.

I'm not certain whether you need a proc to *unlock* this item and see it drop in the pool or whether it can still drop without proc only at a much lower rate.

Personally i've never seen a 100 under the new dynamis system.
2011-12-11 01:01:32
Sylph.Jerryrobbins Montrer Score: -89
These are selling for avg of 1.2m on Sylph. What about on other servers?
2009-03-19 22:28:06
Gilgamesh.Fulgore Montrer Score: -96
looking to buy in large amount 1.3 m each PM if interested to sell a good chunk of those, can jump server
2009-07-04 06:37:56
Kujata.Lordofthedisc Montrer Score: -100
Looking to buy a large quantity of these from any server @ 1M each. Please message!
2009-01-16 11:40:02
Cerberus.Eponine Montrer Score: -114
If you have a large quantity of bronze pieces to sell, please send a me a PM through the website (please only quantities only larger than 3000, no limit).
2009-04-20 13:50:09
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