These will end up as a pair of Crimson Cuisses as with all of the cursed gear you must complete the quest to remove it before you can use them, the end stats are as follows
Like several crafted items, the NQ is sold at a lower price than the materials because the people undercutting them are high level crafters that are aiming for the HQ. Selling them cheaper allows the crafter to get rid of the NQ quicker so that they can make the HQ. Remember that people only have 7 slots on the AH. As for NPC'ing the item, most crafters will NPC it when it reaches the point where the price has dropped enough for the difference between the AH price and the NPC price that it's just better to sell it to the NPC. On this particular item on Ifrit you would get about 10~20k more selling it on the AH, which adds up. Just for a quick look at the math:
Lv 92 Synth = 10% Chance of HQ at lv 103+
1mil Profit on the HQ
15k Loss on the NQ
in 10 Synthesis you would lose 135k and gain 1mil. Therefore a total profit of 865k on Average. You could get lucky or unlucky, it's the fun of random generators but you'd have to get the NQ like 66~67 times in order to not make any profit
Why do people keep undercutting and selling these for less than they cost to make? If you don't care that you are losing money on them just npc them and be done with it. The cost of materials keeps going up and the cost of the product keeps going down. You undercutters are killing your own craft with this nonsense.
When a douche sells these lower price than others, the price drops and everyone follows. Needs a little group efford to keep prices up, funny that people are actually selling these on AH when you get more from NPC.