I'm a 54DRG, and I gotta say I really enjoyed this body peice. I truthfully can't say whether or not its worth the price, but I felt proud of the effort it took me to save for it and at my performance in parties. Was it signifigantly better than the NQ? I have no clue, I've never owned the NQ version. All I know is that I was very happy with it, though I will soon liquidate it in favor of a SH+1.
This thing is wonderful for level sync parties, you keep +1 on all the stats even at a full 5+ levels below!
It was also pretty nice for several of my jobs. The price tag is pretty big, but you can always sell it back after you level up. Don't get me wrong it isn't an essential piece for any job, but it is a really nice luxury item. I'm glad I bought one.
Yeah Ravahan same back in the day when I bought it years ago I felt the same way. well what u can do is use the scorpion harness +1 for TP and Brigandine for Weapon skills. seince it has all stats on it should help with ur Weapon.