Please no-one listen to Mythra's RMT-boogeyman nonsense. You see the same names over and over on this because clothcrafters camp the AH for it. The same applies to any rare ingredient.
If you have any doubts just look at the buyers on Siren's Hair on his server. Anyone with half a brain should realise RMT don't wear HQ cursed gear, Salvage armours, Einherjar items or Maat's caps.
with the added drop of this to abyssea crates...please don't drop this below NPC value. or people will simply stop listing it and make buying it impossible. keep it above NPC value. We clothcrafters WILL buy it!
@Mythik so you really think its fair to choke up one of my 7 available sell slots to make 700 gil??? after the AH tax that'w what it comes to... so maybe pay 15k or 10k if it sells wicked fast is much more worth my time/slot otherwise Im just going to npc it
(For Ragnarok) These NPC for 6.2k. They sell on AH fast. If you happen across one of those do both yourself and fellow crafters a favor and don't NPC them. 7K on AH is a fair price. More will be on AH and more crafters will be able to get their hands on them. I think Crafters will agree.
@Jernau-Clearly this is one of the items which has always been price manipulated by RMT. Remember fighting RMT for claims in SSG? Look at my server today. Maybe just an enterprising real player but more likely RMT. Make 10 sales to yourself at a really low price to clear the AH display, buy some at the low price then 10 sales to yourself at a high price. Then sell them to others at the high price. It's all right there, look. If we didn't have FFXIAH we would just say 'Wow look at the Siren's Hair price' TY FFXIAH