As happy as i am for this item and more Perp- for Fenrir when its not dark weather, I'm kinda pissed SE keeps implementing ***that only effect ONE AVATAR AT A TIME.
Sooner or later we're going to be carrying around 7-8 Different pieces of armor for Each GD Avatar.
I hope they stop with the 1-ava Crap they've been putting on these items and start giving us All-avatar Bonuses =(
recap incase you forgot in the rant:
I Like the idea of this hat, i just wish they wouldn't keep with the "Single Avatar: Bonus" items :(, needs "All Avatars: Bonus" items.
Interesting head piece for blood pact delay redution, but in my opnion it's useless since fenrir has low perp. cost. magian trials staves gives more then you need for fenrir and diabolos same time. This drops from WoE fluxx 6. Using Callers +2 is way much better since you get refresh and more smn magic.
you have a strong point Karb but remember this is just the begining . Perosnally , the -4 Dely is > Fenrir perp -1 . i mean -1 perp is great but where else can yuou get -4 delay on head? Relic+1 . sooo yea . not so bad , not so great . I do agree with you tho , but i still kinda likie