Not just Haste+, Double Attack+, or Triple Attack+, but all three in one piece. Excellent TP piece. Too bad it's just so ugly with most gear combinations.
Another extremely simple BCNM with an incredibly hogh drop rate (30% minimum). Can easily be done with a NIN, WHM, PLD and a 3rd DD to keep damage even. Takes no longer than 6 minutes. The stats are awsome, but due to ease I fail to see why the prices are so high. Laziness maybe? Rate me down, won't change the fact that this is an awsome piece from a piss easy BCNM with a good drop rate.
Actually see these becoming more expensive over time, at the moment everyone has seals to burn, but as they are used up gonna see less of these on AH, 1. The stats on these are very good, 2. They will become rarer, unless there is a suitable replacement via other means, I cannot see the value dropping below 500k in the next year or so.
KC were useless till recently so most of us have a huge stockpile of them stashed away. The AH will be flooded with these pants soon and prices will even out (my guess is 300-500k). Do yourself a favor and don't spend all your gil on this.
I can certainly see great utility in these. 8 Acc is easy enough to make up in exchange for those sexy stats.
Being a DRK, it does raise an interesting thought process though. Go with these or Jingang? The math will side with these. A person's sense of aestetics (and likely their gil wallet) will side with Jingang.