Dropped by Ra'Gho Darkfount in the new Dynamis - Bastok zone, a force popped NM near the Zeruhn Mines entrance. Spawn item is Odious Backscale, job combo is Smn/Drk.
used with titan's mountain buster with capped smn magic, with belt was doing 1800-1900 without doing 1600-1700. guessing around 10% bonus. more testing needed.
This is the best wais for SMN's physical pacts... but I wouldn't use it full time since +summoning skill is needed to amplify BP ward duration and elemental syphon. It's quite nice to use it with garuda's predator claws. 3kk price is resonable since farming is a pain.
Yeah I wouldn't go as far as saying this is a fulltime waist slot until testing is done to see if it does anything for normal attacks. MP +60 really won't matter too much either if you do alot of gear swaps.
spammed this NM last night. Went 4/5 on Obi's. NM not that hard if you have a Pro Rdm/Blm to babysit the avatar. Need /blm to stun pet as soon as it wakes, then sleep.
I wouldn't be so quick to full time this yet... While it appears absolutely stunning, it wouldn't be the first time SE has failed to mention the prefix "Blood Pact:" in the text.
Yes! This is definitely a Full Time waist piece for Smn, only need to swap out for Elemental Siphon and Magical BP's really (& enmity- before JA's if your real particular) :)