Much easier then trying to get lucky with an augment IMO. Always like seeing new CHR for my BST too although nowadays it seems like we just use Jugs anymore.
2xBST tear this appart. The first fight we didn't melee and it was dead in ~15 minutes and both of our pets were still at 80%~ HP, only used 1 Zeta biscuit each.
Second~sixth fight we melee'd, dropped it in under 10 minutes each time. Its an incredibly easy fight!
The NM which drops this belt is soloable by a skilled Beast who is prepaired for using many Jug pets, There are only 2 known combos which work, CraftyClyonve and DipperYippy. (tested them both myself)
A lot of set Accesory slots for BRD has been replaced...I swear. Jester's Cape replaced, +5 CHR Rings replaced, Minstrel's Earrings replaced, now this will be kicking Gleeman's in the face.