@Yuriku/Rynok Testing was done on BG if you want to look it up, 1 evasion actually gives more evasion than 1 skill at high skill levels.. so evasion is better than skill. That said, I'm still hanging on to Boxer's.
e.g. wpn skill>acc or att
evasion skill>evasion
parrying skill>parrying
wish i could remember where the parses and stuff for this info are sorry about not really provided founded facts lol
As has always been the fact for this game Skill > Stat. Tested many times over and 10 Eva Skill will always increase your Eva more then pure 10 Eva Setup.
Now as for this piece being better or worst then Boxers, as is almost all gear now that is Situational per job, mob, and other gear.
i.e. Testing 10 Eva/Perry Skill on a WAR fighting Tigers is useless because of thier High ACC/DEX and a WARs low skill in both.
So this cape gives 2-3 Evasion and 2 Defense more than Boxer's at the cost of 10 Parrying. AGI also affects TP fed now.
Based on some preliminary tests while skilling up, my Parrying rate is pretty much floored to 5% on everything in every situation regardless of my skill vs. their level, so this cape is a better defensive option than Boxer's. Similarly, Blur Mantle is very competitive or better than Boxer's.
@ Ninetales:
That's not entirely accurate. It does give the most +eva on a cape but boxer's mantle gives +10 eva skill, each of which is 2 evasion if I'm not mistaken.