As a clothcrafter I had my doubts about this synth and it worth to me for skilling up. I would recommend this over the blessed body. The skill ups I got from this were incredible. I realize that a huge amount of luck goes into it. But Cursed dalmatica's you have to be patient to buy materials and sell the thing. Kyudogi is very difficult to get the sash, Errant Cape is also difficult to get the amity cape. Blessed Body uses 2 galateia instead of this coat which uses 1. This synth provided my with over half of 99-100 with about 1/3 of the synths I put into the blessed body. Be smart give this synth a chance to get you from 99-100.
I want one badly, but I'm not stupid enough to buy one for 600k, let alone 700k >.> I'll wait for a month or so for it to go down >.> If you bought this for 700k, congrats for being a rich but dumb ***.