Drops off of Guivre in the past. Fight a Sandworm in North Gustaberg or Rolanberry Fields. It may use a move called doomvoid to teleport you to a BC battle against a raged version of Guivre.
My dear and fluffy lord o.O; !!! Looks like SE really does love us DRGs still! As Nhahagolah stated this is absolutely perfect for our Higher end weapon skills like Drakesbane and Penta Thrust. However due to the low quantity on the market and the high pricetag by those who can manage to form the groups they need for this I would still have to say unless you have a good 3-6 months to farm for it you might want to stick with a sky shell and a hecatomb harness. But oh my my my if you can afford it this piece is by far the best choice for a DRG body that you will ever find!
Excellent piece for "Drakesbane", the new DRG WS. It's also awesome for penta thrust, of course. Other than that I don't see much use, I think I'd still use a haubergeon for say, raging rush.
Great weapon skill body for drg, i personally am saving very hard for this and cant wait to replace my AJ with this ^^. Only 3mil to go lmao the joy. Looking to get the Barone Corazza, this and maybe get Alkyoneus's Bracelets but gunna stick with my pallas atm becuz i cant stand the amount of DEX lost through them.