For those looking to replace this piece with the new Campaign body for magic damage set, think it through. Until you reach the 50% Magic Damage Taken (MDT)cap (normally 25% in gear, 25% with Shell5) MDT will reduce more damage than MDB (Magic Defense Bonus). So if you are replacing this piece, you need to make sure you are getting the 5% from other pieces, otherwise you are infact taking a step backwards.
"Not really good for bst because of the enmity" - I can't say I 100% agree with this statement. With the usage of a jug pet and Snarl, this is a VERY attractive option for BST.
This is not just hybrid gear, it also happens to be the best MDT piece in the entire game (same as Valhalla Breastplate) which means that any career PLD (w/o V.plate) should have this. Especially now, since it dropped considerably in price.
Also, people saying hybrid pieces are useless and then saying VIT is useless in the same sentence need to be shot. Because VIT is the only modifier for Rampart and directly related to damage absorbed by it. So people who want situational gear (as god intended) should look into this not just for the MDT but also for the highest VIT you can get from a buyable body piece.
Only the new Nocturnus Mail would be a suitable replacement, if you have the required campaign rank and get to win lot on it in the one week it's available.
Oh and if I ever see someone Dancing Edging in this prepare for a subligar wedgie.
PLD for sure will put this item to its 100% full potential, not really good for bst because of the enmity. All other jobs have alternate baddassness peices that would shadow this peice.
@Candyapple In comparison to other AF pieces (Mirke with 10 atk/acc and shura) this would be a tad bit worse. It has about the same acc as mirke without the str/dex+ and is missing the 10 atk. On shura it has 3 more acc but at the loss of 20 atk. The +7 to vit would not even be close to offsetting either of those. (I forgot usukane, but that should be a given >.<)
This is honestly better then Ares Body for endgame. You lose out on some attack STR and a little VIT, but gain accuracy (for building up to atonement) Enmity, which as /NIN is always usefull, and a magic damage reduction which really helps on alot of mobs. Ares body is still good for /war or soloing but i'd get the Avalon first if you're a career PLD