Confirmed drop from Voidwatch NM in Kuftal Tunnel. Rabao Path. Good luck getting the drop. 16 people most with boosted alignment. Only one dropped. Happy hunting!
Nekonarf's Data is based off of a 4% PDT back vs the Shadow Mantle. Once you string out that calculation against differing levels of other PDT, a 4% back is more effective than shadow mantle above when you have 36% in other PDT.
A 5% PDT back such as this is far more potent and pulls ahead of the shadow mantle at over 20% in other PDT gear. Not only that but it is still beneficial to use this instead of shadow mantle up until 46% in other PDT gear (yes overcapping at 51% with this is better than Shadow Mantle).
Yeah Terazuma, but you only need around 23% to reach the cap when you have Shell V, which is very very very easy to reach on most jobs. Lamia +1 is a nice option in this case, or even Salvus Mantle if you're not trying to resist.
I think I understand what Josiah is saying, but it just sounds wrong. You should always cap mdt first and foremost, followed by MDB if that slot offers no mdt, then INT if you really want to take that extra step.
Point for point, MDB will never reduce more damage than mdt until you hit the 50% cap.