To all mages lucky enough to own a Heka's Kalasiris: please take the time to farm the gil to buy this terribly ugly hat.
Farm Dynamis for a day or NPC all of those logs and fish that Akvan gave you and sell those Heavy Metal Plates. 1-2 million gil is a STEAL for what is essentially a 2MP/tick refresh headpiece.
Back in the day, we had to walk five miles in the snow both ways for years for a 1MP/tick refresh hat (literally in the snow, Dynamis - Xarcabard) and that was only usable by RDM. Being able to stroll up to the AH and plunk down some gil for an amazing idle piece should not be taken for granted.
From what I see, this is currently the best Refresh Idle piece for people with Hekka Body. Unfortunately this 2 refresh bonus costs about 1.5 Mill on my server, not that expensive, but not worth the 2 refresh imo.