I know its a very very small use, But this isn't horrible for Summoner Melee Hands. Because with...
Staff (3% Haste)
Head (8% Haste)
Body (4% Haste)
Hands (These)
Legs (3% Haste)
Feet (2% Haste)
Belt (5/6% Haste)
You can get 25/26% Haste on SMN Without the hands slot, and these offer ~9 Acc/Atk, Which is pretty much the best melee stats you'll see on Hands for a Summoner.
Yah, SMN Melee hands, Thats all I got... For all jobs but SCH, these:
Offer better Enfeebling and Healing Magic skill, as well as a bonus +10 Macc and even Enhancing.