Dagger Discussion!

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Dagger discussion!
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 74
By Shiva.Ladyofhonor 2014-10-13 19:40:32
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Maybe should just lop this in with the overall guide, but there are so few actual threads so why not put it here.

I made the thread to discussion what combinations different thf's use in different situations. I just did a little test while out meriting on 115~ twitherym on which offhand works best with my Mandau, here's my dagger guideline:

Easy content, DC mobs and below - Mandau/Atoyac
119+ content - Mandau/Izhiikoh
Content where hate is to be avoided - Mandau/Sandung (working on a -enmity set to use, too)

Parsing my merits I had Mandau/Izhiikoh at 770-780ish DPS. And Mandau/Atoyac with OAT/Crit rate+4 I was at 820-830ish DPS. Not the most conclusive of testing since I relied entirely on my trusts for haste cap instead of my geo dualbox indi-haste (had her using indi-fury) so there is some leeway there, but I think the difference was big enough to show Atoyac is the winner there.

I temporarily lapsed my judgement and had been using Atoyac exclusively, and wondered why my acc was so low on some difficult content, and realized that each dagger's acc/att is based off of its own skill rating on the weapon. So I'm assuming that once you get to 119+ atoyac's lower rating will quickly drop off its faster attacking in terms of overall DD.

Have you guys found the same thing? Anything different? What about if you're not a relic user?
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Serveur: Sylph
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user: JeanPaul
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By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2014-10-13 20:12:44
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I've got Izhiikoh, Atoyac, and Vanir Knife to choose from, and pretty much anything 119 and under I'll use Atoyac off-hand. Otherwise, Vanir Knife. I'm working on Vajra though, I've never cared much for Mandau's stats or appearance. Sandung also never seemed worthwhile to me.

I did augment my Atoyac with Crit Damage instead of Crit Rate, simply because the DPS spreadsheet showed it coming out ahead a little bit. I suppose the potential there may lie in what kind of gear you're working with though.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Sieha1
Posts: 503
By Siren.Sieha 2014-10-13 21:16:53
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use both th daggers for the win!
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 74
By Shiva.Ladyofhonor 2014-10-13 23:13:42
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Siren.Sieha said: »
use both th daggers for the win!

Where's the downvote/dislike/permaban button? =P
Posts: 1319
By Wordspoken 2014-10-14 06:36:22
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Shiva.Ladyofhonor said: »
Siren.Sieha said: »
use both th daggers for the win!

Where's the downvote/dislike/permaban button? =P
Where's the joke/sarcasm button? =P
Posts: 12788
By Pantafernando 2014-10-14 07:32:29
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Shiva.Ladyofhonor said: »
Siren.Sieha said: »
use both th daggers for the win!

Where's the downvote/dislike/permaban button? =P

Removed because of abusing.

Also i think the junky dog point valid at least for me. If i need to play thf, i do it because of th, so my offhand can be sandung. People can argue extra th isnt effective, but so its the extra dmg due to more strong weapons, and depending of event, like adl, if even an extra 1% drops an extra marrow, its extra 4m while extra dmg wont get me anything more.

While this isnt the answer you want to read, blame your own topic title for not to explicit say dd thf. Sieha point is valid, that if you need a thf, your first concern is to cap th, regardless your dps potential.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2014-10-14 08:17:16
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I generally use Sandung/Atoyac for any farming of anything whatsoever, because as stated, if I'm on thief by choice, it's for maximizing my TH. I'd do Sandung/TK, but...unless it's to swing once at an HNM and then switch weapon, it's not worth the massive damage drop, even on fodder.

For the odd occasion I end up on thief for a linkshell event where we want, I go Izhiikoh/Sandung for the ilevel purposes.
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