It May Sound Harsh, But The Only Way To Help Africa Is To Stop All Humanitarian Aid..

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Forum » Everything Else » Politics and Religion » It may sound harsh, but the only way to help Africa is to stop all humanitarian aid..
It may sound harsh, but the only way to help Africa is to stop all humanitarian aid..
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Serveur: Asura
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user: Ludog
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By Asura.Ravenfornow 2010-01-03 17:06:52
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Since we all cant take a walk down to Africa...yeah I'd say all the info comes from the media.
Serveur: Sylph
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By Sylph.Beelshamen 2010-01-03 17:08:57
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Yeah, and the media has all the freedom in such a little continent to give you a perfect image of what exactly is going on there effectively enabling you to come to silly conclusions pulled out of a rabbit's ***.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Ludog
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By Asura.Ludoggy 2010-01-03 17:13:24
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Well Beelshamen, whats going on there that you know but all the ignorant masses dont?
Serveur: Sylph
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By Sylph.Beelshamen 2010-01-03 17:19:28
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I know enough to say that muslim extremists aren't the cause of Africa's poverty. Half of the continent hasn't even got anything to do with Islam, sakes.

I know enough not to jump to conlusions or make silly and immature nuking suggestions.
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Stanflame
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By Bahamut.Stanflame 2010-01-03 17:25:08
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Sylph.Beelshamen said:
^Do you know anything about religion? Do you know it's influence in the region? Do you know about the different facets of islam, do you know about the different faction of even say, terrorist groups?

I really can't stand ignorant post.

"Religion is bad, religion causes war, muslims are terrorists. Muslims in africa."

These kind of posts are made through following media and not having done ANY effort to understand ANY situation. Most people ITT are just throwing out random scraps of BS they hear on the street or they're just making facts of their own opinions.

To the user above me: It's Teheran, not Tehran. If you want to nuke a city get the name right, maybe you'd end up nuking some peaceful village full of loving unicorns that ***butterflies.

I agree that was ignorant, remember my friend it was one poster. I would not even go that far even then... concerning Korea, Iran, and other countries I can see where he is saying support is coming from and the main source of the proble is everyone's thinking, and how separated the huma race is in their idealism's, no solutions seem to want to be found and nothing seems to work, you hit someone hard or try to change something, and it affects some other group. In order for a change you have to do something, some certain people can do things then it is done. No one else will want to carry such grudge work but most likely it will get done.

Just hope when we are long gone, 500-1000+ years from now everything has changed and everyone is united as one under the same system of understanding to some degree. I do not think this can be done by someone in this current era or time line. if it can it will end up hitting a lot of people or be a rough start. In order to do something you have to make choices and sacrifice, nothing ever comes free.
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Stanflame
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By Bahamut.Stanflame 2010-01-03 17:32:45
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Hardcore Christians I can tolerate to a point, then I just tell them to shut up. But Muslims, their whole ideal is if you don't agree with them, then BAM, you're the enemy end of story. Hell, even the hardcore Catholics will "forgive you" for not seeing things their way. But Holy Batman, that Islamic faith, WOW, just WOW! Then spread into the hardcore Muslims, and you get terrorists.

Now I found this funny also, because if you are telling christians to shut up to a point, then talk trash about catholics, then muslims and the Koran, anf the islamic faith... I just could not read that you have no religous faith at all. So since I am apart of one of the religious faith's you tried to drag through the mud with out know ***about them... and I tell you to shut the *** up. How does it feel? did you like it?

Usually when someone like you type's you try to seem smart, and for all we know you are someone whom is or were raised as one of the religions you bashed there, and are just trying to start ***. Then again maybe you are one of those people whom act like they are above everyone, do not care about other people live's, the sick in africa' or the poor familly in any country around the world or people suffering, just putting your ignorant 2 cents in just because of the fact you never suffered... and on top of that trying to put a holy than thou complex on it as if you are above the religious people of the world or people in general?
Serveur: Asura
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user: Korpg
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By Asura.Korpg 2010-01-03 17:34:13
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Wait, what the ***, who brought this back from the dead?

I thought we were finished talking about this ***, and I see somebody who retorts incorrectly?

Adam Smith and British Economics?

I hate to break it to you, but Adam Smith was an American. Where do you think he was when he wrote "The Wealth of Nations"? It wasn't England, I can tell you that.

Where do you get your "British Economics" from anyway?

Anyway, on with the responds, lets see if we can keep the name calling down to a dull roar.
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Stanflame
Posts: 6173
By Bahamut.Stanflame 2010-01-03 17:36:50
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Then again, I am so sick of this section on the forum I am calling for a lock on this thread also.
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Stanflame
Posts: 6173
By Bahamut.Stanflame 2010-01-03 17:48:18
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can I make a suggestion. I remember that youtube vid on the 6th page. But from my own words it makes my head spin too and I was thinking about it when I was a little kid.

You notice just as with the separate religions in the world and people saying this is this and that is that, I am right you are wrong. My view is right your view is wrong. same with these political views and what this means and that means, then comes what people get classified as from conservatives, to right wing , left wing, etc.

You can't blame people with what was given to them and that is freedom, the mind even today is complex. You can't really tell how it works, and why people look at things the way they do. It is apart of their individualism, it is what makes yourself whom you are. People have a sense of worth, but when I get classified as socialist or capitalist, or some other crap.. because I think of helping people or what ever else it is for people , I usually chuckle. part of my individualism is not thinking like a drone puppet, I am alive, so I know it's not right for people to suffer but it is the way of life, someone always does, to have a perfect world with what is around seems impossible, and anything is possible (I feel that way). So... I do not classify my thoughts and views as socialsis, or demorat, or capitalist, or republican. When ever I se or hear all these things it just bugs the ***out of me, all I know is all this commotion is stupid when you have one life and should not stress over it, all this does not matter when you are dead. Look at sayings and such you can be rich, or even have the mentality you have and you maerialistic country and government, but at the end when you die... it makes you look nothing more than a beast, and thus thats where you shall stay when you die.

So as such, I like how i think and my views. No one thinks like me I am my self. I know I exist, do you?
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Stanflame
Posts: 6173
By Bahamut.Stanflame 2010-01-03 21:23:28
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was tired when I typed that towards the middle and end. ; ;

when you die what does the life you lived mean? materialism? social status, when you have it and die... nothing. So having or want such things in the world is not really a need, yet with politics people are meant to suffer because people can't get a long ans see the bright things through. Though; as I said depending on how you look at things when you die you will be more than some dead insignificant spec as forbeus seemed to refer to people as. when you die pass on, you will not be dead and thought of as just some animal. you will be higher than the beast.
Serveur: Leviathan
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user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2010-01-04 03:26:14
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Oh no the spelling police are after me!!! I spelled the name of a city wrong, /cry.

As for the rest... he said bomb Africa and China so that was my response.

As for religion, seriously read the Koran sometime. Tell me it's full of peaceful notions. Please tell me the bible doesn't promote bigotry, murder, cruelty, etc. Don't make me start quoting these sources.

And yeah religious nuts do bother me, but that really wasn't my point.

Bomb Iran and North Korea instead of Africa and China. (I noticed no one was against bombing North Korea, lol)

And Stan, ROFLMFAO! (Keep on trollin' my friend)

Finally, Muslims extremist cause no problems in Africa, really? So then then Somalia pirates aren't Muslim extremists?
Sylph.Beelshamen said:
I know enough to say that muslim extremists aren't the cause of Africa's poverty. Half of the continent hasn't even got anything to do with Islam, sakes.
Yes you're right half of the continent hasn't even got to do anything with Islam, only about 45%, my bad.
Sylph.Beelshamen said:
^Do you know anything about religion? Do you know it's influence in the region? Do you know about the different facets of islam, do you know about the different faction of even say, terrorist groups?
Ah, I used to awhile ago, it's been too long but essentially the fundamental principle of all sects of Islam are: "Islam has no basic concept of inalienable rights and does not permit the individual to enjoy the freedoms of action and association characteristic of a democracy." -
Serveur: Cerberus
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user: Katarzyna
Posts: 1354
By Cerberus.Katarzyna 2010-01-04 05:28:38
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Bomb Iran and North Korea instead of Africa and China. (I noticed no one was against bombing North Korea, lol)

Cause that'll like....TOTALLY make everything better, right?

Who do Americans think the answer is "Oh, we'll just bomb them" since 9/11/2001? Because 1 group of Muslim extremists flew a couple of airplanes into some buildings? It's *** 2010 now.

Yea, it was a terrible thing that happened. But now it seems like if a country publicly disses us or even looks at us funny, Americans are up in arms saying "Bomb them! Bomb them!" And let's assume that the government was stupid enough to listen to our every whim. There would be no one left after a while.

With attitudes like yours, it makes me wonder who the real terrorists are.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2010-01-04 08:40:09
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I'm bored so what the hey.

Cerberus.Katarzyna said:
Cause that'll like....TOTALLY make everything better, right?
Never said it would. For the 3rd time now I think, it was a suggestion to the "Bomb Africa and China" quote.

Cerberus.Katarzyna said:
Who do Americans think the answer is "Oh, we'll just bomb them" since 9/11/2001? Because 1 group of Muslim extremists flew a couple of airplanes into some buildings? It's *** 2010 now.
12/25/2009 - Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attempts to detonate an explosive on an aircraft enroute from Amsterdam to Detroit. During the incident, the suspect ignites himself on fire until he is extinguished and overpowered by two passengers. The aircraft lands safely in Detroit with the only injuries reported to be the suspect himself and two others. (Al Qaeda claims responsibility)

12/09/2009 - Narathiwat, Thailand A motorcycle bombing bomb exploded in a crowded market in Thailand's south, killing two and injuring nine, just before a visit by the Malaysian and Thai premiers. The incident was blamed on Islamic separatists.

11/05/2009 - Killeen, Texas A gunman opens fire indiscriminately at Fort Hood. Connections to al-Qaeda are investigated. (ok not officially related)

10/11/2009 - Milan, Italy A Libyan man, Mohamed Game, tried to bring a bomb into a Carabinieri barracks in Milan but let it off at the entrance when he saw guards pointing their weapons at him. Game was heard saying "something in Arabic" when he saw the machine guns being levelled at him, police said.

08/17/2009 - Nazran, Russia At least 25 people have been killed by a powerful bomb attack at a police station in southern Russia, officials and hospital sources say. (You have to do a little research on this one. This is a conflict between pro-Russian security forces, and Chechen armed militants. Most Chechens are Sunni Muslim)

06/01/2009 - Little Rock, Arkansas Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, an American Muslim opened fire on a U.S. military recruiting office. Private William Long was killed and Private Quinton Ezeagwula was wounded.

Hmm nothing for 2010, oh wait yeah there is:

01/02/2010 - Aarhus, Denmark In an incident said to be terror-related, a Somali man broke into Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard's home threatening to kill the man with a knife. Westergaard and his five year old granddaughter escaped harm when they entered a panic room and called for police, who shot the man. According to the Danish intelligence agency PET, the Somali man is affiliated with al-Shaabab, a radical Islamic militia currently in Somalia.

That's just a small sample. Want pre-911?

08/07/1998 - U.S. embassy bombings in Dar es Salaam and Nairobi, killing 225 people and injuring more than 4,000, by al-Qaeda.

02/27/1997 - New York City, New York Ali Abu Kamal opens fire on tourists at an observation deck atop the Empire State Building in New York City, killing a Danish national and wounding visitors from the United States, Argentina, Switzerland and France before turning the gun on himself. A handwritten note carried by the gunman claims this was a punishment attack against the "enemies of Palestine". His widow claimed he became suicidal after losing $300,000 in a business venture. In a 2007 interview with the New York Daily News his daughter said her mother's story was a cover crafted by the Palestinian Authority and that her father wanted to punish the United States for its support of Israel

1992-1998 - North Africa; The Armed Islamic Group, active in Algeria between 1992 and 1998, was one of the most violent Islamic terrorist groups, and is thought to have takfired the Muslim population of Algeria. Its campaign to overthrow the Algerian government included civilian massacres, which sometimes wiping out entire villages in its area of operation It also targeted foreigners living in Algeria killing more than 100 expatriate men and women in the country. The group's favored technique was the kidnapping of victims and slitting their throats although it also used assassination by gun and bombings, including car bombs. Outside of Algeria, the GIA established a presence in France, Belgium, Britain, Italy and the United States. In recent years it has been eclipsed by a splinter group, The Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC), now called Al-Qaeda Organization in the Islamic Maghreb.

I mean this is a very short list with about 10 minutes of research! It's not just the USA by the way in case you didn't know that. And guess what, there was more than 1 terrorist attack by more than 1 terrorist group. By your statement I guess you didn't know that. Congratulations too on realizing it's the new year (2010), I'm very proud of you for that.

Cerberus.Katarzyna said:
Yea, it was a terrible thing that happened. But now it seems like if a country publicly disses us or even looks at us funny, Americans are up in arms saying "Bomb them! Bomb them!" And let's assume that the government was stupid enough to listen to our every whim. There would be no one left after a while.
The French have been looking at us funny for years, I don't think we're going to break out in war any time soon. We've been down the route, despite our difference we'd rather be allies.

Cerberus.Katarzyna said:
With attitudes like yours, it makes me wonder who the real terrorists are.
It's still the Radical Muslims for the most part. However I'm sure there have been occasions where the terrorist group weren't Muslim. Let me look:

01/17/2009 - Hernani, Spain. A blast went off at a television station in Hernani causing damage but no injuries. ETA is blamed for the attack. (ETA as far as I can tell is non-Islamic)

There you go, just for you!

So yeah "if" we bombed the capital of Iran; Tehran, Teheran, Toronto, whatever the hell you want to call it, it would definitely... LoL! That wasn't even the point of this thread, it was stopping aid to Africa!!!

So yeah stop funding terrorism by giving aid to known terrorist leaders in Africa! Sure you can teach a man (or woman) to fish, but not if they live in fear of the next militia raid on their home the next day. Then what would be the point of teaching them to fish so they can fish then have said fish taken by force?!

Got to give them all civics books and test them on democracy first!

Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Jadi
Posts: 200
By Caitsith.Jadi 2010-01-04 11:57:46
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Bahamut.Stanflame said:
can I make a suggestion. I remember that youtube vid on the 6th page. But from my own words it makes my head spin too and I was thinking about it when I was a little kid.

You notice just as with the separate religions in the world and people saying this is this and that is that, I am right you are wrong. My view is right your view is wrong. same with these political views and what this means and that means, then comes what people get classified as from conservatives, to right wing , left wing, etc.

You can't blame people with what was given to them and that is freedom, the mind even today is complex. You can't really tell how it works, and why people look at things the way they do. It is apart of their individualism, it is what makes yourself whom you are. People have a sense of worth, but when I get classified as socialist or capitalist, or some other crap.. because I think of helping people or what ever else it is for people , I usually chuckle. part of my individualism is not thinking like a drone puppet, I am alive, so I know it's not right for people to suffer but it is the way of life, someone always does, to have a perfect world with what is around seems impossible, and anything is possible (I feel that way). So... I do not classify my thoughts and views as socialsis, or demorat, or capitalist, or republican. When ever I se or hear all these things it just bugs the ***out of me, all I know is all this commotion is stupid when you have one life and should not stress over it, all this does not matter when you are dead. Look at sayings and such you can be rich, or even have the mentality you have and you maerialistic country and government, but at the end when you die... it makes you look nothing more than a beast, and thus thats where you shall stay when you die.

So as such, I like how i think and my views. No one thinks like me I am my self. I know I exist, do you?

I'm glad you like the video from the 6th page. (actually it's the first of a series I think there are 5 or 6 parts.) I don't entirely agree with it all.. but it's a place to start to help people understand what is going on. Uhh.. I should mention my posts are going to get rated down into the toilet because I'm going to say things that are iconoclastic, things that people won't like.. things they will venomously reject.. it is however the truth.. and not the truth "as I see it", I'm a student of philosophy, and it is not up to the philosopher to decide what the truth is, just as it's not up to the mathematician to decide what the answer to a mathematical formula is. The whole point is to remove the opinion factor.

Left Wing and Right Wing are terms that come from the French revolution, they are a false dichotomy. The reason that this false dichotomy survived to the modern time is because it serves the purpose of power, it gets people warped up in false arguments. For example.. "Do you want to be dominated in your social policies or do you want to be dominated in your economic policies?" you know or.. "Do you want to be a slave to Mr. Jones or do you want to be a slave to Mr. Patterson." The question is never.. "Do you want to be a slave?" It divides people into groups and pits them against each other arguing things they should not be arguing. The reason they are arguing is because people are trying to use force on them and there is an endless amount of issues for people to draw into a debate. For example you have heard arguments of gay marriage with the left declaring that it should be "A right codified in law by government force" and the right saying "we need to protect the sanctify of marriage by government force". Nobody ever says "Marriage is a religious practice and does not *need* to be codified into any kind of law at all." If that option were proposed.. then government force would not be used upon anyone and the false dichotomy would disappear because people would have nothing to argue about.

Let me phrase it another way.. perhaps in some kind of strange dystopian future the government has decided to force a single type of Deodorant on to the population. The Neo-Right Wing Fascist Party supports musky smell of "Old Spice" or some other commercial deodorant and having the government take over said company. Where as the Leftist Environmental Socieo/Nazi Party rejects supporting Big Deodorant and the Deodorant Industrial Complex, and proposes a holistic and environmentally friendly mixture of baking soda and tee tree oil.

Silly verbiage aside there.. if people were forced by law to choose a deodorant, or a type of music, or a single video game that everyone must play.. imagine the type of battles that would be created. Freedom is what makes these arguments disappear. If I can choose Deodorant A and you can choose Deodorant B then there is no argument between us.. we happy coexist but if you try to force me to choose Deodorant B then we argue the merits of Deodorant A and B.. not if you should use force on me.

I think that is the reason that people do not like talking about politics, because it's not very nice to tell other people you want to use force on them. For me, philosophically I reject using force on others. I think that forcing someone to bend to my will and obey me is vile. So for me.. if you want to choose even something as brutal as communism for yourself, that is ok for you, however it's immoral to force communism on your neighbor. When you have that kind of personal philosophy of rejecting force of any kind.. developing your political opinions become very easy because all you need to ask yourself on any issue is "Is force being used on another person?" and if that answer is yes, then you oppose that. It also makes it easy for me to discuss politics because when people are not using force or threats of violence on each other then since it don't affect the other it can be presently discussed.

..and that leads me to the "We should nuke the hell out of -insert nation here-!" statements up here.. First I need to ask, who is "we"? I am not a collectivist, I'm an individual and I do not subscribe to any group that wants to kill people. For example, *I* am not waging a war in Iraq and other parts of the world, and since my last name is not Obama I'm not responsible for those murders.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2010-01-04 12:08:06
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Leviathan.Chaosx said:
11/05/2009 - Killeen, Texas A gunman opens fire indiscriminately at Fort Hood. Connections to al-Qaeda are investigated. (ok not officially related)
Fort Hood.

The guy was Islamic, he practiced Islam, and he tried to convert some of his fellows (both in and out of the Military).

He shot people (according to him) because they weren't following the proper faith.

I know cause Fort Hood is close to home, and ***like this makes you want to know more about it. Especially when its in your own backyard.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2010-01-04 15:05:01
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Asura.Korpg said:
Leviathan.Chaosx said:
11/05/2009 - Killeen, Texas A gunman opens fire indiscriminately at Fort Hood. Connections to al-Qaeda are investigated. (ok not officially related)
Fort Hood.

The guy was Islamic, he practiced Islam, and he tried to convert some of his fellows (both in and out of the Military).

He shot people (according to him) because they weren't following the proper faith.

I know cause Fort Hood is close to home, and ***like this makes you want to know more about it. Especially when its in your own backyard.
Yeah most of that was all in the article I read, but I didn't want to jump the gun and say he was connected to any terrorist groups since I don't think any official connection has been made. Still if he was acting on his own that statement "He shot people (according to him) because they weren't following the proper faith.", wow, just wow!
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2010-01-04 15:07:31
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Caitsith.Jadi said:
Bahamut.Stanflame said:
can I make a suggestion. I remember that youtube vid on the 6th page. But from my own words it makes my head spin too and I was thinking about it when I was a little kid.

You notice just as with the separate religions in the world and people saying this is this and that is that, I am right you are wrong. My view is right your view is wrong. same with these political views and what this means and that means, then comes what people get classified as from conservatives, to right wing , left wing, etc.

You can't blame people with what was given to them and that is freedom, the mind even today is complex. You can't really tell how it works, and why people look at things the way they do. It is apart of their individualism, it is what makes yourself whom you are. People have a sense of worth, but when I get classified as socialist or capitalist, or some other crap.. because I think of helping people or what ever else it is for people , I usually chuckle. part of my individualism is not thinking like a drone puppet, I am alive, so I know it's not right for people to suffer but it is the way of life, someone always does, to have a perfect world with what is around seems impossible, and anything is possible (I feel that way). So... I do not classify my thoughts and views as socialsis, or demorat, or capitalist, or republican. When ever I se or hear all these things it just bugs the ***out of me, all I know is all this commotion is stupid when you have one life and should not stress over it, all this does not matter when you are dead. Look at sayings and such you can be rich, or even have the mentality you have and you maerialistic country and government, but at the end when you die... it makes you look nothing more than a beast, and thus thats where you shall stay when you die.

So as such, I like how i think and my views. No one thinks like me I am my self. I know I exist, do you?

I'm glad you like the video from the 6th page. (actually it's the first of a series I think there are 5 or 6 parts.) I don't entirely agree with it all.. but it's a place to start to help people understand what is going on. Uhh.. I should mention my posts are going to get rated down into the toilet because I'm going to say things that are iconoclastic, things that people won't like.. things they will venomously reject.. it is however the truth.. and not the truth "as I see it", I'm a student of philosophy, and it is not up to the philosopher to decide what the truth is, just as it's not up to the mathematician to decide what the answer to a mathematical formula is. The whole point is to remove the opinion factor.

Left Wing and Right Wing are terms that come from the French revolution, they are a false dichotomy. The reason that this false dichotomy survived to the modern time is because it serves the purpose of power, it gets people warped up in false arguments. For example.. "Do you want to be dominated in your social policies or do you want to be dominated in your economic policies?" you know or.. "Do you want to be a slave to Mr. Jones or do you want to be a slave to Mr. Patterson." The question is never.. "Do you want to be a slave?" It divides people into groups and pits them against each other arguing things they should not be arguing. The reason they are arguing is because people are trying to use force on them and there is an endless amount of issues for people to draw into a debate. For example you have heard arguments of gay marriage with the left declaring that it should be "A right codified in law by government force" and the right saying "we need to protect the sanctify of marriage by government force". Nobody ever says "Marriage is a religious practice and does not *need* to be codified into any kind of law at all." If that option were proposed.. then government force would not be used upon anyone and the false dichotomy would disappear because people would have nothing to argue about.

Let me phrase it another way.. perhaps in some kind of strange dystopian future the government has decided to force a single type of Deodorant on to the population. The Neo-Right Wing Fascist Party supports musky smell of "Old Spice" or some other commercial deodorant and having the government take over said company. Where as the Leftist Environmental Socieo/Nazi Party rejects supporting Big Deodorant and the Deodorant Industrial Complex, and proposes a holistic and environmentally friendly mixture of baking soda and tee tree oil.

Silly verbiage aside there.. if people were forced by law to choose a deodorant, or a type of music, or a single video game that everyone must play.. imagine the type of battles that would be created. Freedom is what makes these arguments disappear. If I can choose Deodorant A and you can choose Deodorant B then there is no argument between us.. we happy coexist but if you try to force me to choose Deodorant B then we argue the merits of Deodorant A and B.. not if you should use force on me.

I think that is the reason that people do not like talking about politics, because it's not very nice to tell other people you want to use force on them. For me, philosophically I reject using force on others. I think that forcing someone to bend to my will and obey me is vile. So for me.. if you want to choose even something as brutal as communism for yourself, that is ok for you, however it's immoral to force communism on your neighbor. When you have that kind of personal philosophy of rejecting force of any kind.. developing your political opinions become very easy because all you need to ask yourself on any issue is "Is force being used on another person?" and if that answer is yes, then you oppose that. It also makes it easy for me to discuss politics because when people are not using force or threats of violence on each other then since it don't affect the other it can be presently discussed.

..and that leads me to the "We should nuke the hell out of -insert nation here-!" statements up here.. First I need to ask, who is "we"? I am not a collectivist, I'm an individual and I do not subscribe to any group that wants to kill people. For example, *I* am not waging a war in Iraq and other parts of the world, and since my last name is not Obama Bush I'm not responsible for those murders.
Only thing Obama has done is spend spend spend.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Katarzyna
Posts: 1354
By Cerberus.Katarzyna 2010-01-04 19:02:08
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Leviathan.Chaosx said:
A lot of crap

The post you quoted about bombing Africa and China was made by a poster who can't even be taken seriously 95% of the time, which is the reason I didn't bother addressing him.

Secondly, a lot of your dates and events didn't even happen in America, therefore, it's none of our *** business. (I know you "patriotic" folks think that we have to save the world from every boo-boo, but until we're the shining beacon of prosperity, wealth, and intelligence, your little superhero fantasy can kiss my ***.)

There's TONS of extremist groups out there. Why don't we bomb those places too?

Guaranteed by the end of it all, the world would be wiped out.

I'm sorry, but I don't buy into your patriotic bull against Muslim extremists. Every group has their extremists. The media just won't talk about it.
Serveur: Garuda
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user: Mameshiba
Posts: 209
By Garuda.Mameshiba 2010-01-04 21:10:49
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Asura.Korpg said:
Everyone should relax.

And watch "Ikuru" by Akira Kurosawa
Necro quote but looooool.

Have you ever watched Ikigami, Korpg?
Serveur: Asura
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user: Korpg
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By Asura.Korpg 2010-01-04 21:34:27
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Garuda.Mameshiba said:
Necro quote but looooool.

Have you ever watched Ikigami, Korpg?
No, you recommend it though?
Serveur: Ifrit
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By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2010-01-04 21:35:08
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I don't even know what that is
Serveur: Asura
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user: Korpg
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By Asura.Korpg 2010-01-04 21:36:00
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Its a movie.

"Ikiru" makes you think.
Serveur: Garuda
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user: Mameshiba
Posts: 209
By Garuda.Mameshiba 2010-01-04 21:37:22
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Asura.Korpg said:
Garuda.Mameshiba said:
Necro quote but looooool.

Have you ever watched Ikigami, Korpg?
No, you recommend it though?

Not mean to de-rail, thus my last post on the subject.

Truthfully speaking yes, Ikigami is a beautiful movie. I cried here and there, more than once.
It criticizes the value of a life of a human being over stupid ideals placed by the japanese government of their time... but a beautiful film regardless

Also given the chance, try to watch Crows Zero 1 & 2 if you can. Nothing to do with Ikigami or with the whole topic of Life whatsoever, but it's an action movie filled with uberness.It's the coolest japanese film I saw in 2009 (though Crows Zero 1 is 2007).

Okay carry on with the serious topic~
Serveur: Ifrit
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By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2010-01-04 21:39:13
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aint nothing serious to talk about now, all the serious ***already been covered. Other than that...

Serveur: Caitsith
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user: Jadi
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By Caitsith.Jadi 2010-01-05 12:35:22
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Leviathan.Chaosx said:
Only thing Obama has done is spend spend spend.

I did say you wouldn't believe what I say.. but it is the truth. Despite what you may hear about in the news today, there is still a war going on and logic dictates that those people in power who refuse to end it are therefore responsible for it's continuation.
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Stanflame
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By Bahamut.Stanflame 2010-01-06 18:14:10
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Caitsith.Jadi said:
Bahamut.Stanflame said:
can I make a suggestion. I remember that youtube vid on the 6th page. But from my own words it makes my head spin too and I was thinking about it when I was a little kid.

You notice just as with the separate religions in the world and people saying this is this and that is that, I am right you are wrong. My view is right your view is wrong. same with these political views and what this means and that means, then comes what people get classified as from conservatives, to right wing , left wing, etc.

You can't blame people with what was given to them and that is freedom, the mind even today is complex. You can't really tell how it works, and why people look at things the way they do. It is apart of their individualism, it is what makes yourself whom you are. People have a sense of worth, but when I get classified as socialist or capitalist, or some other crap.. because I think of helping people or what ever else it is for people , I usually chuckle. part of my individualism is not thinking like a drone puppet, I am alive, so I know it's not right for people to suffer but it is the way of life, someone always does, to have a perfect world with what is around seems impossible, and anything is possible (I feel that way). So... I do not classify my thoughts and views as socialsis, or demorat, or capitalist, or republican. When ever I se or hear all these things it just bugs the ***out of me, all I know is all this commotion is stupid when you have one life and should not stress over it, all this does not matter when you are dead. Look at sayings and such you can be rich, or even have the mentality you have and you maerialistic country and government, but at the end when you die... it makes you look nothing more than a beast, and thus thats where you shall stay when you die.

So as such, I like how i think and my views. No one thinks like me I am my self. I know I exist, do you?

I'm glad you like the video from the 6th page. (actually it's the first of a series I think there are 5 or 6 parts.) I don't entirely agree with it all.. but it's a place to start to help people understand what is going on. Uhh.. I should mention my posts are going to get rated down into the toilet because I'm going to say things that are iconoclastic, things that people won't like.. things they will venomously reject.. it is however the truth.. and not the truth "as I see it", I'm a student of philosophy, and it is not up to the philosopher to decide what the truth is, just as it's not up to the mathematician to decide what the answer to a mathematical formula is. The whole point is to remove the opinion factor.

Left Wing and Right Wing are terms that come from the French revolution, they are a false dichotomy. The reason that this false dichotomy survived to the modern time is because it serves the purpose of power, it gets people warped up in false arguments. For example.. "Do you want to be dominated in your social policies or do you want to be dominated in your economic policies?" you know or.. "Do you want to be a slave to Mr. Jones or do you want to be a slave to Mr. Patterson." The question is never.. "Do you want to be a slave?" It divides people into groups and pits them against each other arguing things they should not be arguing. The reason they are arguing is because people are trying to use force on them and there is an endless amount of issues for people to draw into a debate. For example you have heard arguments of gay marriage with the left declaring that it should be "A right codified in law by government force" and the right saying "we need to protect the sanctify of marriage by government force". Nobody ever says "Marriage is a religious practice and does not *need* to be codified into any kind of law at all." If that option were proposed.. then government force would not be used upon anyone and the false dichotomy would disappear because people would have nothing to argue about.

Let me phrase it another way.. perhaps in some kind of strange dystopian future the government has decided to force a single type of Deodorant on to the population. The Neo-Right Wing Fascist Party supports musky smell of "Old Spice" or some other commercial deodorant and having the government take over said company. Where as the Leftist Environmental Socieo/Nazi Party rejects supporting Big Deodorant and the Deodorant Industrial Complex, and proposes a holistic and environmentally friendly mixture of baking soda and tee tree oil.

Silly verbiage aside there.. if people were forced by law to choose a deodorant, or a type of music, or a single video game that everyone must play.. imagine the type of battles that would be created. Freedom is what makes these arguments disappear. If I can choose Deodorant A and you can choose Deodorant B then there is no argument between us.. we happy coexist but if you try to force me to choose Deodorant B then we argue the merits of Deodorant A and B.. not if you should use force on me.

I think that is the reason that people do not like talking about politics, because it's not very nice to tell other people you want to use force on them. For me, philosophically I reject using force on others. I think that forcing someone to bend to my will and obey me is vile. So for me.. if you want to choose even something as brutal as communism for yourself, that is ok for you, however it's immoral to force communism on your neighbor. When you have that kind of personal philosophy of rejecting force of any kind.. developing your political opinions become very easy because all you need to ask yourself on any issue is "Is force being used on another person?" and if that answer is yes, then you oppose that. It also makes it easy for me to discuss politics because when people are not using force or threats of violence on each other then since it don't affect the other it can be presently discussed.

..and that leads me to the "We should nuke the hell out of -insert nation here-!" statements up here.. First I need to ask, who is "we"? I am not a collectivist, I'm an individual and I do not subscribe to any group that wants to kill people. For example, *I* am not waging a war in Iraq and other parts of the world, and since my last name is not Obama I'm not responsible for those murders.

even so you must realize what power and stress comes with being president.... there is no other way to do this atm...
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Stanflame
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By Bahamut.Stanflame 2010-01-06 18:16:34
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yes everything has been covered.
Serveur: Valefor
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user: TarlCabot
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By Valefor.Tarl 2010-01-06 21:02:30
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Best thing that can be done for Africa is to leave them alone, they have lived the same way for thousands of years and they have made it this far. Giving anything seems to make it worse off for them.Give them money,they buy weapons to kill each other with more efficiently, you could attempt to teach them to grow different crops for the different areas of Africa.Sometimes things are the way they are and you can't change it. That's my 2 cents worth anyway.
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