Jeanpaul's Dat Mod Workshop!
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2014-10-23 00:07:49
Jeanpaul's Dat Mod WorkshopFeel free to look things over, try things out, and submit feedback and suggestions.
Status IconsSpecial Abilties:
Mighty Strikes, Brazen Rush, Hundred Fists, Inner Strength, Perfect Dodge, Chainspell, Stymie, Asylum, Manafont, Subtle Sorcery, Invincible, Intervene (received)
Blood Weapon, Soul Enslavement, Unleash, Soul Voice, Clarion Call, Overkill, Astral Flow, Astral Conduit, Meikyo Shisui, Yaegesumi, Spirit Surge, Fly High
Mikage, Azure Lore, Unbridled Wisdom, Overdrive, Trance, Grand Pas, Tabula Rasa, Bolster, Widened Compass, Elemental Sforzo, Odyllic Subterfuge (received)
Stats Up/Down: Red = Up, Blue = Down
Physical Attack, Defense, Accuracy, Evasion, Magic Attack, Defense, Accuracy, Evasion
Subtle Blow, Store TP, Counter Bonus
Barfire, Barblizzard, Baraero, Barstone, Barthunder, Barwater
Barvirus, Baramnesia, Barparalyze, Barsilence, Barpetrify, Barpoison, Barsleep, Barblind
Enfire, Enblizzard, Enaero, Enstone, Enthunder, Enwater, Enlight, Endark
Elemental DoT's:
Burn, Frost, Choke, Rasp, Shock, Drown
Status Ailments:
Paralyze, Petrify, Gradual Petrify, Disease, Plague, Doom, Zombie (recovery prevention curse), Helix, Kaustra, Avoidance Down
WAR Abilities:
Berserk, Defender, Warcry, Aggressor, Retaliation, Warrior's Charge, Restraint, Blood Rage
MNK Abilities:
Boost, Dodge, Focus, Counterstance, Formless Strikes, Impetus, Perfect Counter
THF Abilities:
Sneak Attack, Trick Attack, Hide, Feint, Assassin's Charge, Conspirator
PLD Abilities:
Cover, Sentinal, Fealty, Divine Emblem, Reprisal*, Palisade*
*these two were implemented despite having unique icons
DRK Abilities:
Last Resort, Soul Eater, Dark Seal, Diabolic Eye, Nether Void, Scarlet Delerium (prepared, and activated), Consume Mana
RNG Abilities:
Sharpshot, Camouflage, Barrage, Velocity Shot, Unlimited Shot,
Flashy Shot, Stealth Shot, Double Shot, Decoy Shot
SMN Abilities:
Shining Ruby, Avatar's Favor, Cait Sith's Favor, Apogee, Perfect Defense, Earthen Armor, Endrain and Enaspir (Heavenward Howl), Curing Conduit, TP Bonus (Crystalline Blessing)
SAM Abilities:
Hasso, Seigan, Sekkanoki, Sengikori, Hagakure
BLU Abilities:
Diffusion, Convergence, Efflux, Unbridled Learning
DNC Abilities:
Drain Samba, Drain Daze, Aspir Samba, Aspir Daze, Haste Samba, Haste Daze,
Presto, Building Flourish, Climactic Flourish, Striking Flourish, Ternary Flourish, Contradance
RUN Abilities:
Vallation/Valiance, Pflug, Swordplay, Embolden, Battuta, Liement
GEO Abilities:
Lasting Emanation, Ecliptic Attrition, Collimated Fervor, Blaze of Glory, Dematerialize, Theurgic Focus, Entrust
Holy Circle, Arcane Circle, Warding Circle, Ancient Circle, Killer Instinct
Miscellaneous Job Abilities:
Issekigan, Futae, Sange, Triple Shot, Nightingale, Troubadour, Flurry, Spur, Phalanx
Divine Seal, Divine Caress (prepared, and activated), Sacrosanctity, Elemental Seal, Manawall, Cascade, Saboteur, Klimaform
Miscellanous Buffs:
Multi-strikes, Physical Shield (Fanatic's), Magic Shield (Fool's, One for All), Fast Cast, Addle, Transcendency (Primeval Brew),
Capacity Point Bonus, Regen, Refresh, Regain, Enmity Boost (Crusade), Pax (Enmity Reduction)
Bard Songs:
Paeon, Ballad, Minuet, Madrigal, Minne, Mambo, Prelude,
March, Mazurka, Scherzo, Etude, Carol, Resist Songs (Pastoral et al), Hymnus,
Sirvente, Dirge, Requiem, Lullaby, Elegy, Threnody, Nocturne
Corsair Rolls:
Corsair's, Ninja, Hunter's, Chaos, Magus, Healer's, Drachen, Choral,
Monk's, Beast, Samurai, Evoker's, Rogue's, Warlock's, Fighter's, Puppet,
Gallant, Wizard's, Dancer's, Scholar's, Bolter's, Caster's, Courser's, Blitzer's,
Tactician's, Allies', Miser's, Companion's, Avenger's, Naturalist's, Runeist's, Crooked Cards
Indi-Spell Buffs/Debuffs:
Fury, Precision, Barrier, Voidance, Acumen, Focus, Fend, Attunement, Haste,
Regen, Refresh, STR, DEX, VIT, AGI, INT, MND, CHR
Wilt, Slip, Frailty, Torpor, Fade, Vex, Malaise, Languor,
Poison, Gravity, Slow, Paralyze
SCH -storm II spells:
1) To-Do List:Critical Hit Rate
Various immunities due to item usage (ie: Amnesia Screen)
2) Do some of these icons look familiar? They ought to, I shamelessly stole many designs from other games and only made things from scratch when I had to. This was done because I'm not that great an artist, as well as recognizability.
3) Few tiered statuses (ie: Protect I-V) have their own icon, even though they sometimes ought to. The icons are tied to the descriptions and ID numbers.
Job Master Stars
No-Glow Confluxes
Escha - Zi'Tah Color Mod
Escha - Ru'Aun Color Mod
Trust Mod Pack
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24
By Cerberus.Coops 2014-10-23 03:27:12
I like the Fire Emblem icons for Special Abilities.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 500
By Bismarck.Dubai 2014-10-23 04:47:37
Job well done sir!
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10165
By Asura.Sechs 2014-10-23 05:30:49
Awesome work.
Personally, but it's just my personal taste and I'm not trying to judge, when it comes to BRD song I prefer the original FFXI View approach.
They use a high-resolution icon with a different colour according to the song type.
You use the normal low-resolution icon with another small icon in the lower right corner.
Perfect imho would be a mix of the 2 approaches. Having high resolution and coloured behind, but with the addition of the small icon low-right like you do.
Did I miss the icon for increased/decreased HP/MP?
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4013
By Odin.Godofgods 2014-10-23 07:30:20
Chess pieces for pld. You get a + just for that alone'
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2014-10-23 07:40:34
The songs/rolls/indis gave me a lot of work to do (rolls haven't been uploaded since I need to make some more of the sub-icons). I tried a lot of things, but I ultimately decided the best thing to do was to keep it familiar, simple, and recognizable. In the heat of battle, you should only need a mere glance to tell what is what, and having an overwhelming amount of colors and design can take away from that.
Increased HP/MP as well as all the stat boosts (STR up et al) I left unchanged. There are several things I meant to include in here but I straight up forgot, like Phalanx and several debuffs.
I'm thinking the PLD chess pieces need the little lettering like most of the other JA's have, so I'm gonna add them and see how it looks.
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[73 days between previous and next post]
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2015-01-04 12:24:27
Released the mostly finished .DAT and updated the OP. It's available at http://ffxidats.caarrie.com/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=1353
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 879
By Bahamut.Seekerstar 2015-01-04 12:58:18
How do I implement these.
This is awesome. <3
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2015-01-04 13:41:58
1) Follow the link to FFXI Dats, and you'll have to register (not that it takes long), then download the file.
2) Locate your FINAL FANTASY XI folder. Within it, there should be a folder called ROM.
3) Within ROM is hundreds of subfolders, go to 119.
4) Put the downloaded dat file (should be called 57.DAT) into the 119 folder.
- If you have the right folder (FINAL FANTASY XI/ROM/119) then the file being replaced should be the exact same size as what you downloaded.
- If you don't feel safe, just back-up stuff before you overwrite anything, or call upon your local computer wiz.
- If you are in the middle of playing, simply zoning will make the changes take effect.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 46
By Odin.Brahk 2015-01-04 14:22:04
Jeanpaul, Thanks for these, they look great!
Just as a further info for the FFXIDats site, you have to register and then post in the introduction forums to gain the ability to download the file. The download link will not display until you post in the forums.
Thanks again, Jeanpaul.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 500
By Bismarck.Dubai 2015-01-04 14:31:49
By mortontony1 2015-01-04 14:38:18
Yeah totally doing this tonight. It'll take a little bit to get used to and to memorize everything, but it will totally be worth it.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 879
By Bahamut.Seekerstar 2015-01-04 14:50:23
Random note: the verification thingie still thinks it's 2014.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2015-01-09 11:40:52
Apparently, you have to set the Icon Type to type 2 for the icons to take effect. Config > Misc. > Icons Type:
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 619
By Cerberus.Kaht 2015-01-10 00:47:57
Your icons look great, but I have one small suggestion - you use red in the stats icons to signify a boon (i.e. attack up, defense up, accuracy up, etc), but on the bard icons, red is used as a debuff color (elegy, lullaby, etc). It seems confusing to use a color to signify something good and something bad at the same time. Like you said - in the heat of battle you need to recognize the icons at a glance, and I think that glancing at a red icon should always mean good or always mean bad, not a mixture of both.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2015-01-10 07:24:45
This did occur to me, and you're right to point that out. A few things played into the decision for what colors were used where.
The Stat Up/Down red and blue are actually the exact same red and blue used for the original icons. I think I used more saturated colors to make them pop out more though. Anyway, the default icons for say, HP, STR, etc up/down were left in, as now they are the only times you will see those icons (regen, burn, etc. have been replaced). The red/blue I used keeps it consistent with those.
The Bard Songs were left their default blue color for recognizability, and the red debuff song icons were made that way to simply contrast the blue. Compared to the stat icons, the reds and blues are much less saturated and the shape of the icons are different (circle vs. tapered squares). Barring all that, you get used to observing what's what, and getting bard debuffs is pretty uncommon. If it still bothers you, however, you can use FFXI Icon Change (available here) to swap them around.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 55
By Asura.Snubber 2015-01-10 07:55:25
Hey Jeanpaul, just wanna say you have done a good job doing the icons. Absolutely amazing ^.^ why didn't SE do this? >.<
Anyways, I went to the website and registered. But, there seems to be a slight problem. I looked and looked, and I cant seem to find a download link on that page. Could you point me in the right directions?
Tks ^^
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2015-01-10 07:58:50
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 55
By Asura.Snubber 2015-01-10 08:02:53
never mind I got it sorted, apparently you need to go to the intro section and post something (anything) to allow you to download, AFTER you have registered.
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[46 days between previous and next post]
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2015-02-24 22:17:22
Updated for the Feb 2015 version, which adds the SCH -storm II spells and Cait Sith's Favor. The old "to-do list" has all the same stuff on it though. /lazy
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2015-03-23 16:11:13
Onetime on the Windower forums uploaded the most recent version of the file to Dropbox:
Might be easier for those of you who don't wanna go through the other site.
edit: Link removed due to outdated version of the file.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2015-03-26 20:14:31
Updated for the March 2015 version.
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[49 days between previous and next post]
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2015-05-14 16:52:35
Updated for the May 2015 version. Added Cascade, Consume Mana, rolls for RUN and GEO, Crooked Cards. Also finally got around to doing Avoidance Down, TP Bonus (Shiva), and Curing Coduit (Leviathan).
I kinda wish this thread was either in a different section of the forums, or stickied, cuz it gets lost a lot under the many new threads.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 46
By Odin.Brahk 2015-05-15 08:07:04
Thanks, Jeanpaul. I bookmarked it so I don't have any trouble finding it :-)
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 356
By Bahamut.Striker 2015-05-15 09:11:38
These are beautiful...
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[42 days between previous and next post]
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2015-06-26 11:36:55
By Draylo 2015-06-26 17:50:54
I really like these and the effort you put into them. I would use them but I don't like the bard portion of it and I always have those buffs on :/ Just really used to the colors for different songs and I would hate to look at the generic one the game has.
By CapnCrass 2015-06-26 22:02:57
Good stuff. Makes it much easier to notice when I need to swear at Ulmia for putting up double Ballad on a melee + RDM party.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1332
By Bismarck.Firedemon 2015-06-26 22:04:28
This is seriously the first thing I fix when I log in after an update.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2623
By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2015-06-27 01:59:57
I really like these and the effort you put into them. I would use them but I don't like the bard portion of it and I always have those buffs on :/ Just really used to the colors for different songs and I would hate to look at the generic one the game has. The program I use to edit the icons is called FFXI Icon Change v3.3. If you have an icon .DAT that has BRD songs with the colors, you could download my .DAT and use the program to import the song icons from your .DAT, easy as pie. Lemme know if you need a hand with it.
I'm colorblind, so I can't recognize buffs entirely by color
Jeanpaul's Dat Mod WorkshopFeel free to look things over, try things out, and submit feedback and suggestions.
Status IconsSpecial Abilties:
Mighty Strikes, Brazen Rush, Hundred Fists, Inner Strength, Perfect Dodge, Chainspell, Stymie, Asylum, Manafont, Subtle Sorcery, Invincible, Intervene (received)
Blood Weapon, Soul Enslavement, Unleash, Soul Voice, Clarion Call, Overkill, Astral Flow, Astral Conduit, Meikyo Shisui, Yaegesumi, Spirit Surge, Fly High
Mikage, Azure Lore, Unbridled Wisdom, Overdrive, Trance, Grand Pas, Tabula Rasa, Bolster, Widened Compass, Elemental Sforzo, Odyllic Subterfuge (received)
Stats Up/Down: Red = Up, Blue = Down
Physical Attack, Defense, Accuracy, Evasion, Magic Attack, Defense, Accuracy, Evasion
Subtle Blow, Store TP, Counter Bonus
Barfire, Barblizzard, Baraero, Barstone, Barthunder, Barwater
Barvirus, Baramnesia, Barparalyze, Barsilence, Barpetrify, Barpoison, Barsleep, Barblind
Enfire, Enblizzard, Enaero, Enstone, Enthunder, Enwater, Enlight, Endark
Elemental DoT's:
Burn, Frost, Choke, Rasp, Shock, Drown
Status Ailments:
Paralyze, Petrify, Gradual Petrify, Disease, Plague, Doom, Zombie (recovery prevention curse), Helix, Kaustra, Avoidance Down
WAR Abilities:
Berserk, Defender, Warcry, Aggressor, Retaliation, Warrior's Charge, Restraint, Blood Rage
MNK Abilities:
Boost, Dodge, Focus, Counterstance, Formless Strikes, Impetus, Perfect Counter
THF Abilities:
Sneak Attack, Trick Attack, Hide, Feint, Assassin's Charge, Conspirator
PLD Abilities:
Cover, Sentinal, Fealty, Divine Emblem, Reprisal*, Palisade*
*these two were implemented despite having unique icons
DRK Abilities:
Last Resort, Soul Eater, Dark Seal, Diabolic Eye, Nether Void, Scarlet Delerium (prepared, and activated), Consume Mana
RNG Abilities:
Sharpshot, Camouflage, Barrage, Velocity Shot, Unlimited Shot,
Flashy Shot, Stealth Shot, Double Shot, Decoy Shot
SMN Abilities:
Shining Ruby, Avatar's Favor, Cait Sith's Favor, Apogee, Perfect Defense, Earthen Armor, Endrain and Enaspir (Heavenward Howl), Curing Conduit, TP Bonus (Crystalline Blessing)
SAM Abilities:
Hasso, Seigan, Sekkanoki, Sengikori, Hagakure
BLU Abilities:
Diffusion, Convergence, Efflux, Unbridled Learning
DNC Abilities:
Drain Samba, Drain Daze, Aspir Samba, Aspir Daze, Haste Samba, Haste Daze,
Presto, Building Flourish, Climactic Flourish, Striking Flourish, Ternary Flourish, Contradance
RUN Abilities:
Vallation/Valiance, Pflug, Swordplay, Embolden, Battuta, Liement
GEO Abilities:
Lasting Emanation, Ecliptic Attrition, Collimated Fervor, Blaze of Glory, Dematerialize, Theurgic Focus, Entrust
Holy Circle, Arcane Circle, Warding Circle, Ancient Circle, Killer Instinct
Miscellaneous Job Abilities:
Issekigan, Futae, Sange, Triple Shot, Nightingale, Troubadour, Flurry, Spur, Phalanx
Divine Seal, Divine Caress (prepared, and activated), Sacrosanctity, Elemental Seal, Manawall, Cascade, Saboteur, Klimaform
Miscellanous Buffs:
Multi-strikes, Physical Shield (Fanatic's), Magic Shield (Fool's, One for All), Fast Cast, Addle, Transcendency (Primeval Brew),
Capacity Point Bonus, Regen, Refresh, Regain, Enmity Boost (Crusade), Pax (Enmity Reduction)
Bard Songs:
Paeon, Ballad, Minuet, Madrigal, Minne, Mambo, Prelude,
March, Mazurka, Scherzo, Etude, Carol, Resist Songs (Pastoral et al), Hymnus,
Sirvente, Dirge, Requiem, Lullaby, Elegy, Threnody, Nocturne
Corsair Rolls:
Corsair's, Ninja, Hunter's, Chaos, Magus, Healer's, Drachen, Choral,
Monk's, Beast, Samurai, Evoker's, Rogue's, Warlock's, Fighter's, Puppet,
Gallant, Wizard's, Dancer's, Scholar's, Bolter's, Caster's, Courser's, Blitzer's,
Tactician's, Allies', Miser's, Companion's, Avenger's, Naturalist's, Runeist's, Crooked Cards
Indi-Spell Buffs/Debuffs:
Fury, Precision, Barrier, Voidance, Acumen, Focus, Fend, Attunement, Haste,
Regen, Refresh, STR, DEX, VIT, AGI, INT, MND, CHR
Wilt, Slip, Frailty, Torpor, Fade, Vex, Malaise, Languor,
Poison, Gravity, Slow, Paralyze
SCH -storm II spells:
1) To-Do List:Critical Hit Rate
Various immunities due to item usage (ie: Amnesia Screen)
2) Do some of these icons look familiar? They ought to, I shamelessly stole many designs from other games and only made things from scratch when I had to. This was done because I'm not that great an artist, as well as recognizability.
3) Few tiered statuses (ie: Protect I-V) have their own icon, even though they sometimes ought to. The icons are tied to the descriptions and ID numbers.
Job Master Stars
No-Glow Confluxes
Escha - Zi'Tah Color Mod
Escha - Ru'Aun Color Mod
Trust Mod Pack