Natural Disasters = Don't Play Games.

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Natural Disasters = Don't play games.
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Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Zoltar
Posts: 300
By Bahamut.Zoltar 2011-03-13 22:00:37
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Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Leroyj
Posts: 124
By Sylph.Leroyj 2011-03-13 22:09:03
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I honestly don't know where the motivation to post about the SAME crap I heard 1000 times in the past few days AGAIN.

is it really so interesting to discuss this over and over in such quick succession? if you wanna cry about it cry about it in silence as you read the first thread on this topic it'll have all the things you wanted to say and you will be relieved, every opinion in this thread has probably been stated a billion times now in different ways (same ***different arsehole) and the outcome of it is always useless so PLEASE stfu now. ktnx.

Bahamut.Dannyl said:
This thread is meaningless so I'll post something meaningless.

SE did us all a favor, go back to your lives for a week+

also agreed.

Posts: 495
By wintermute0 2011-03-13 22:53:27
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Siren.Catabolic said:
Welcome to the real world man...

I lol'd.
By zahrah 2011-03-14 01:33:51
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All I ask is that people don't post crap like "they deserved it for not being Christian" as I saw here initially.

You don't have to care, but you also don't have to be a ***.

That is terrible! I didn't think FFXI would have a population of Christian zealots, but I guess you never know.

I would love to help were I able, but I'm 17, with no job, and no passport, I couldn't go to Japan if I wanted to. However if I were in my twenties and I could join a volunteer group to go and help, I would in a heartbeat, I'm not QQing about the servers because for one I'm far from addicted to the game, and because obviously the energy conservation was a very smart thing to do. And some don't seem to be ok with that

So, you're life-experience is practically zero and we should take what you say seriously? You do realize there is no age restraint on altruism? Plenty of teens volunteer their time. Sounds like somebody is trying to legitimize their pity party.
Serveur: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: kametas44
Posts: 138
By Ifrit.Herc 2011-03-14 01:46:07
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My mind is just blown at how sooo many people are misinterpreting the message the OP is trying to get across..."Uhh dumbass the servers arent in Haiti" *** ***sherlock...(Reading Comprehension) Do You Need It?
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Saiii
Posts: 702
By Caitsith.Sai 2011-03-14 01:51:41
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Ifrit.Herc said:
My mind is just blown at how sooo many people are misinterpreting the message the OP is trying to get across..."Uhh dumbass the servers arent in Haiti" *** ***sherlock...(Reading Comprehension) Do You Need It?

Don't even try bro, I tried way back to explain it to them, but their thick *** skulls just don't get it.

Some really low level thinking going on in this thread.
Serveur: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: kametas44
Posts: 138
By Ifrit.Herc 2011-03-14 01:58:49
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Caitsith.Sai said:
Ifrit.Herc said:
My mind is just blown at how sooo many people are misinterpreting the message the OP is trying to get across..."Uhh dumbass the servers arent in Haiti" *** ***sherlock...(Reading Comprehension) Do You Need It?
Don't even try bro, I tried way back to explain it to them, but their thick *** skulls just don't get it. Some really low level thinking going on in this thread.

lol yea ill take your word for it.
By zahrah 2011-03-14 02:01:58
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Sai, we haven't really seen eye-to-eye on most of this, but I do have to say kudos for this little gem earlier!

It wasn't the the live news feeds of video of the earthquake itself or of the tsunami rolling inland, or even of people freaking out about the nuc plants that caused you to realize the severity of their situation?

It was the warning msg that the servers might be taken down that brought it all into focus? Really? REALLY?

Servers going down made you flashback to 9/11? REALLY?

Today we learn about people who so desperately want every one else to believe they care about something that they will not think about in ~4 days time that they will say stupid ***that makes no *** sense.

I've kind of had the urge to kick you in the balls next time i see you around Caitsith, but I can't do it to someone who can police idiocy the way you did.
Serveur: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2113
By Ifrit.Bloodbathboy 2011-03-14 02:04:28
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Well it's a week to do other things guys!!!
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1549
By Sylph.Liltrouble 2011-03-14 02:04:33
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Serveur: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2113
By Ifrit.Bloodbathboy 2011-03-14 02:10:05
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And I hope for the best for the japanese people.
Posts: 642
By Nabis 2011-03-14 02:14:12
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man thats *** bs how they dont have power yet they still reporting ***on tv *** slackers
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Saiii
Posts: 702
By Caitsith.Sai 2011-03-14 02:40:48
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zahrah said:
Sai, we haven't really seen eye-to-eye on most of this, but I do have to say kudos for this little gem earlier!

It wasn't the the live news feeds of video of the earthquake itself or of the tsunami rolling inland, or even of people freaking out about the nuc plants that caused you to realize the severity of their situation?

It was the warning msg that the servers might be taken down that brought it all into focus? Really? REALLY?

Servers going down made you flashback to 9/11? REALLY?

Today we learn about people who so desperately want every one else to believe they care about something that they will not think about in ~4 days time that they will say stupid ***that makes no *** sense.

I've kind of had the urge to kick you in the balls next time i see you around Caitsith, but I can't do it to someone who can police idiocy the way you did.

Hey, if we don't see things the same way thats cool. I'm not overly concerned that people agree with me or even what people think about me in general.

What's getting on my nerves in these threads are A. People being complete jackasses for no reason ie. making "deserved this" comments or posting stupid *** pictures in a failed troll attempt (go to 4chan if you want to do that) and B. People who think they are the damn Moral Police and feel they have the right to tell everyone else how we should all feel about the situation.

If you are feeling bad about the situation and feel the need to donate your money/time to aid then go for it.

If you don't give two flying *** about Japan and what happened and are just pissed off about the loss of your game then good for you.

Why people feel the need to police compassion is beyond me. If you feel a certain way and wanna come talk about it its cool man, but at least try to think your ***through first, realize people are going to have different opinions than you do, and understand that just because people don't feel the same way you do does not some how make you morally superior to them.
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Saiii
Posts: 702
By Caitsith.Sai 2011-03-14 02:42:53
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Ifrit.Bloodbathboy said:
And I hope for the best for the japanese people.

Example of a good post.

Nabis said:
man thats *** bs how they dont have power yet they still reporting ***on tv *** slackers

Example of a post that is nothing but asshatted ***.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2775
By Leviathan.Draugo 2011-03-14 02:55:03
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I am just surprised the servers were even on line the day of the Big one TBH.

I do hope they come back soon, partially to get back to my video game, and partially because it would mean some semblance of normalcy is restoring it's self there.

I really hope they can get those reactors under control. That is a lot of population in a small area. 2 nuclear tragedies on their soil in the last 100 years would be pretty shitty.

Also OP is a tard.
Posts: 495
By wintermute0 2011-03-14 08:51:27
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zahrah said:
All I ask is that people don't post crap like "they deserved it for not being Christian" as I saw here initially.

You don't have to care, but you also don't have to be a ***.

That is terrible! I didn't think FFXI would have a population of Christian zealots, but I guess you never know.

I would love to help were I able, but I'm 17, with no job, and no passport, I couldn't go to Japan if I wanted to. However if I were in my twenties and I could join a volunteer group to go and help, I would in a heartbeat, I'm not QQing about the servers because for one I'm far from addicted to the game, and because obviously the energy conservation was a very smart thing to do. And some don't seem to be ok with that

So, you're life-experience is practically zero and we should take what you say seriously? You do realize there is no age restraint on altruism? Plenty of teens volunteer their time. Sounds like somebody is trying to legitimize their pity party.

Does it make you feel good picking on 17 year olds? What exactly did he say that pissed you off so much? Just because somebody feels bad about what happened in Japan doesn't mean they should go out to Japan and volunteer their time. I think it makes more sense for the people bashing these people to volunteer their time since they're obviously offended that someone else isn't. You're speaking in an authoritative tone but you probably have no authority on the matter. If you haven't volunteered your time to helping Japan, don't bash people who haven't. They're guilty of the same ***you are. EVEN IF you have volunteered your time, don't bash people that haven't. It makes no sense.

Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Kailana
Posts: 2542
By Ramuh.Kailana 2011-03-14 08:59:48
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Sylph.Liltrouble said:
We take way too many things for granted. When the system message came up in game I was horrified. Not for the loss of the game, but the severity of the situation in Japan. It brought reality into focus and I was drawn back in time to 9/11. We can lament on the failings of the people of japan, but we need to realize our own failings in considering their trauma.

I stopped reading the thread here, because this post describes what I experienced. I was in abyssea at the time and when they gave us a time for the server to drop, it was 40 min or so from what time it currently was. We stopped our abyssea group and logged out.

Sometimes disasters broadcast on the news don't really hit as hard as they should. Once they take something away from your actual life, even if it is something as silly as a videogame, your recognize just how real and scary the disaster truly is. I donated to red cross soon after, after reading the idea on these forums.

I worry so much for the people there. The reactor stuff is scaring me quite a bit too. Losing a game, in the end, is inconsequential. Maybe for the next week (or more) we'll spend lots of time reaquainting ourselves with things in life we can appreciate.

Heart goes out to those suffering right now. ~<3
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 103
By Quetzalcoatl.Roark 2011-03-14 20:16:43
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ffxi servers going down, sort of insignificant in the world's perspective

real reason this is serious compared to those earthquakes mentioned by op is this

japan is actually important, and this sets back the world
By zahrah 2011-03-14 20:32:54
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Wintermute0, that was hardly "picking" on someone. I think there are plenty of people who would agree. These boards are full of threads where people go back and forth. Isn't that what this is about?

Anyway, I think he can put on his own "big boy pants" and address me if he feels that butthurt about it. Which, like most of us, he probably doesn't.
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