Is There Ever Going To Be...

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Is there ever going to be...
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Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1907
By Leviathan.Quetzacoatl 2011-01-31 21:29:34
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PS2 Limitations prevent further content; Drop PS2 support, but no, because some people don't have money for PCs and PS2 has giant userbase in Japan for some reason we don't *** know about as well as wondering why they have to hold on to said console when they can just convert to PC or go to PS3 support, so SE doesn't have to work extra hard and expand their options and hopefully evolve as a game

We need more arguing points, people.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Rocketpop
Posts: 11972
By Ramuh.Laffter 2011-01-31 21:48:03
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Gilgamesh.Sanctferum said:
Why should we stop whining about something that affects the quality of the game?
QF *** T
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Osaia
Posts: 367
By Bismarck.Osaia 2011-01-31 21:49:16
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Valefor.Leith said:
Ok, as a PS2 user, I have to say that I'm tired of all the hate on it, sure the PS2 is an ancient system thats completely obsolete, I'll give you that, but that doesn't mean that you should bash everyone who plays on it. A very large chunk of SE's consumer market is still PS2 users, and those who are still using PS2's, are (generally) still using them because they can't afford PS3's or as mentioned above, don't have the experience/room etc for a gaming PC. Personally, I do own a PS3, however its a slim, therefore I couldn't change to PS3 if I tried, unless SE released a PS3 set of disks, but even with that, I really wouldn't want to bust my wallet on a whole new set of the same game I've owned for eight years. As for why I don't use the PC I'm on right now for FFXI, thats because I have so much ***on it, and so many people use it that it would be unrealistic at best to think I'd be able to play an MMO. Yeah yeah, PS3 and PC and 360 all beat the PS2, but stop whining about "PS2 Limitations"...

I don't usually get involved in online debate, but I dont think its the matter of whining about ps2 limitations. The ps2 IS limiting the game. Your HD full, therefore the rest of us cant get new content...or its gonna be recycled. No new models. No huge new areas. Just reskins. Anyone that uses a pc and microsoft paint can take a pic, color it red and blue and save it as skin1.png, then simply reskin is black and white and name it skin2.png. Thats exactly what they doing with the new stuff we get, because ps2 just cant handle more new data. If you had a house that was 3000 square feet, and i had one 1000 square feet, but you were only allowed to put the same furniture i have in mine in yours.... wud you be happy? Now consider, we both paying the same for each home... The limitations the ps2 places on this game gonna be the fastest way to watch this game eat dirt.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2011-01-31 21:58:28
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Quetzalcoatl.Xueye said:
You don't need to pay a single dime extra.

If you have a PC that was made since... what, 2004? You can play this game just god damn fine on the PC.

PS2 is limiting the game's potential. SE should kill the damn PS2 already and let people download PC version for free.

I think the contract (Works both ways) of FFXI keeps them tied to the PS2 support. I'm unsure if they're able to terminate support, even if nobody is playing on the PS2 because of legal ramifications.

Either that, or they like their convenient scapegoat. Lack of Ambition sounds a hell of a lot worse than technical limitation.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: BehemothZ
Posts: 323
By Leviathan.Behemothx 2011-01-31 22:30:10
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Odin.Zicdeh said:
Quetzalcoatl.Xueye said:
You don't need to pay a single dime extra.

If you have a PC that was made since... what, 2004? You can play this game just god damn fine on the PC.

PS2 is limiting the game's potential. SE should kill the damn PS2 already and let people download PC version for free.

I think the contract (Works both ways) of FFXI keeps them tied to the PS2 support. I'm unsure if they're able to terminate support, even if nobody is playing on the PS2 because of legal ramifications.

Either that, or they like their convenient scapegoat. Lack of Ambition sounds a hell of a lot worse than technical limitation.

From SE's agreement:


3.2 Termination.

(a) Your PlayOnline user account and any rights you may have under this Agreement (including those you may have under any other agreement related to your use of PlayOnline) will immediately and automatically terminate upon your breach of any provision of this Agreement, including (without limitation) your violation of any Rule.
(b) You may terminate this Agreement at any time by canceling your PlayOnline user account and by ceasing all use of PlayOnline and all related services. If your PlayOnline user account is terminated by SEI for any reason, you will not be able to reactivate the terminated user account again.
(c) SEI reserves the right to terminate PlayOnline Service in whole or in part for any reason with or without prior notice.

They could use section 3.2 (C) to kill PS2 support. :P
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Leith
Posts: 221
By Valefor.Leith 2011-01-31 22:31:00
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Bismarck.Osaia said:
Valefor.Leith said:
Ok, as a PS2 user, I have to say that I'm tired of all the hate on it, sure the PS2 is an ancient system thats completely obsolete, I'll give you that, but that doesn't mean that you should bash everyone who plays on it. A very large chunk of SE's consumer market is still PS2 users, and those who are still using PS2's, are (generally) still using them because they can't afford PS3's or as mentioned above, don't have the experience/room etc for a gaming PC. Personally, I do own a PS3, however its a slim, therefore I couldn't change to PS3 if I tried, unless SE released a PS3 set of disks, but even with that, I really wouldn't want to bust my wallet on a whole new set of the same game I've owned for eight years. As for why I don't use the PC I'm on right now for FFXI, thats because I have so much ***on it, and so many people use it that it would be unrealistic at best to think I'd be able to play an MMO. Yeah yeah, PS3 and PC and 360 all beat the PS2, but stop whining about "PS2 Limitations"...

I don't usually get involved in online debate, but I dont think its the matter of whining about ps2 limitations. The ps2 IS limiting the game. Your HD full, therefore the rest of us cant get new content...or its gonna be recycled. No new models. No huge new areas. Just reskins. Anyone that uses a pc and microsoft paint can take a pic, color it red and blue and save it as skin1.png, then simply reskin is black and white and name it skin2.png. Thats exactly what they doing with the new stuff we get, because ps2 just cant handle more new data. If you had a house that was 3000 square feet, and i had one 1000 square feet, but you were only allowed to put the same furniture i have in mine in yours.... wud you be happy? Now consider, we both paying the same for each home... The limitations the ps2 places on this game gonna be the fastest way to watch this game eat dirt.

this is it, exactly. XI has a set partition on the hard drive and it won't recognize more space

unfortunately, it's sony that has control over that partitioning, not se, and sony isn't going to lift a finger over a game on an ancient console that makes them next to no money
Don't blame us ps2 users that sony f'ed up, our HDDs dont have limited space, XI's partition is just incapable of recognizing "lol dudez theres totally space over der"
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6558
By Odin.Zicdeh 2011-01-31 22:35:30
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They pulled that card out on Tetra Master! (Pun intended)

I think everyone needs to dump that question on SE, as to why they keep shackling themselves to the PS2 support when it seems legally they're in the clear, and fiscally, it could help in the long run.

Jaerik has a lot of experience in this[MMO] department, I'd like to see what his theories are, since that's a perspective few, if any of us have.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Lorzy
Posts: 1356
By Ramuh.Lorzy 2011-01-31 22:43:06
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Valefor.Leith said:
Bismarck.Osaia said:
Valefor.Leith said:
Ok, as a PS2 user, I have to say that I'm tired of all the hate on it, sure the PS2 is an ancient system thats completely obsolete, I'll give you that, but that doesn't mean that you should bash everyone who plays on it. A very large chunk of SE's consumer market is still PS2 users, and those who are still using PS2's, are (generally) still using them because they can't afford PS3's or as mentioned above, don't have the experience/room etc for a gaming PC. Personally, I do own a PS3, however its a slim, therefore I couldn't change to PS3 if I tried, unless SE released a PS3 set of disks, but even with that, I really wouldn't want to bust my wallet on a whole new set of the same game I've owned for eight years. As for why I don't use the PC I'm on right now for FFXI, thats because I have so much ***on it, and so many people use it that it would be unrealistic at best to think I'd be able to play an MMO. Yeah yeah, PS3 and PC and 360 all beat the PS2, but stop whining about "PS2 Limitations"...

I don't usually get involved in online debate, but I dont think its the matter of whining about ps2 limitations. The ps2 IS limiting the game. Your HD full, therefore the rest of us cant get new content...or its gonna be recycled. No new models. No huge new areas. Just reskins. Anyone that uses a pc and microsoft paint can take a pic, color it red and blue and save it as skin1.png, then simply reskin is black and white and name it skin2.png. Thats exactly what they doing with the new stuff we get, because ps2 just cant handle more new data. If you had a house that was 3000 square feet, and i had one 1000 square feet, but you were only allowed to put the same furniture i have in mine in yours.... wud you be happy? Now consider, we both paying the same for each home... The limitations the ps2 places on this game gonna be the fastest way to watch this game eat dirt.

this is it, exactly. XI has a set partition on the hard drive and it won't recognize more space

unfortunately, it's sony that has control over that partitioning, not se, and sony isn't going to lift a finger over a game on an ancient console that makes them next to no money
Don't blame us ps2 users that sony f'ed up, our HDDs dont have limited space, XI's partition is just incapable of recognizing "lol dudez theres totally space over der"

rewording the reason why support for the ps2 is holding back ffxi doesn't mean that the ps2 isn't holding back ffxi...
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 863
By Leviathan.Remoraforever 2011-01-31 22:59:27
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Odin.Zicdeh said:
They pulled that card out on Tetra Master! (Pun intended)

I think everyone needs to dump that question on SE, as to why they keep shackling themselves to the PS2 support when it seems legally they're in the clear, and fiscally, it could help in the long run.

Jaerik has a lot of experience in this[MMO] department, I'd like to see what his theories are, since that's a perspective few, if any of us have.

Oh snap, Zicdeh just called Jae man out.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 56
By Leviathan.Pimpstix 2011-02-02 20:21:30
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SE should offer in-game items and maybe a little free playtime to the PS2 users as incentive to switch over to PC.
Posts: 9617
By Sevourn 2011-02-02 21:10:50
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Leviathan.Pimpstix said:
SE should offer in-game items and maybe a little free playtime to the PS2 users as incentive to switch over to PC.

it wouldn't be a bad idea as far as softening the blow, but it would still have to be a mandatory switch, not a voluntary incentive-driven one

as long as there was one ps2 player the limitations would still apply

one possible compromise might to be to make full-sized new expansions that were only supported on pc, but i doubt that would happen
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1
By Caitsith.Vegetatheprince 2011-02-02 21:56:45
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A) As someone who has played all 3 platforms (4 if you count ps3), the ps2 version is far and away the smoothest. PC is close and you can cheat to make the gameplay experience deeper, but some people just plain don't like PC gaming. The Xbox version is a joke, a pretty, high-res piece of poorly tested crap. The animation slow-down, sound effect failures, and outright crashing you could set your watch by make it impossible for me to play on.

The PC, via violation of the TOS if you care, makes for a great experience with this game but there is something to be said for playing the game on the platform it was build for and not ported to. Also, I read a couple years ago more than half of the Japanese players used the ps2 version of the game, if that's the case and still even close to that now you will never see ps2 support fall.

B) To solve this problem, all SE would have to do is increase the POL partition. There is way more space on the PS2 HDD than is current allocated to POL/FF. What I don't understand is why they haven't done it since they apparently already did it once with the release of RotZ.
By 2011-02-02 22:22:07
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Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jetackuu
Posts: 9001
By Bahamut.Jetackuu 2011-02-02 22:31:37
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Cerberus.Aengus said:
Not to mention that by the limited size we are losing terms with which we communicate with the Japanese community. Have you tried to organize a party of people from different regions without new terms, its, well.... not fun. Not only is the ps2 holding back the game with the partition size of the ps2, but also limits the ability to clearly communicate with other users in game.

I'm not expecting massive new areas or upgrading the game to a point that ps2 users are unable to play all content; however, I can't stand re-skining, not only do the models look poor (as there past designs), but it creates redundancy. One thing I don't want in a game is redundancy, yes I know, its ffxi, where in the past grinding was king. But again, SE is making major changes to the game in terms of solo or low man playing,so why should these changes not be reflected in actual game content.

it has nothing to do with the partition size of the ps2, try again
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: gillmaree
Posts: 34
By Sylph.Amfortas 2011-02-02 22:47:51
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And when SE drops support of PS2 users is when I will quit. I don't see why PS2 users should be forced into buying/using a new platform to continue playing. There are many people who just do not have the resources to buy a new/used PC, Fail X-box or PS3. Personally, I like my PS2, take very good care of it, and I laugh because no matter what happens, the entire FFXI "family" of players will always find something to gripe about. Unless you have 20 characters with a dozen mules each, it's still cheaper than going out to eat five nights a week, going to a movie, football, basketball, soccer, or baseball game. Heck, I know people who can pay their FFXI fees each month but not their bills or put gas in their cars or food on the table. Sony, SE and Pol need to get off their duffs to resolve the issue to everyone's satisfaction and not exclude/punish those who choose to stay with PS2.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Osaia
Posts: 367
By Bismarck.Osaia 2011-02-02 22:48:25
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Valefor.Leith said:
Bismarck.Osaia said:
Valefor.Leith said:
Ok, as a PS2 user, I have to say that I'm tired of all the hate on it, sure the PS2 is an ancient system thats completely obsolete, I'll give you that, but that doesn't mean that you should bash everyone who plays on it. A very large chunk of SE's consumer market is still PS2 users, and those who are still using PS2's, are (generally) still using them because they can't afford PS3's or as mentioned above, don't have the experience/room etc for a gaming PC. Personally, I do own a PS3, however its a slim, therefore I couldn't change to PS3 if I tried, unless SE released a PS3 set of disks, but even with that, I really wouldn't want to bust my wallet on a whole new set of the same game I've owned for eight years. As for why I don't use the PC I'm on right now for FFXI, thats because I have so much ***on it, and so many people use it that it would be unrealistic at best to think I'd be able to play an MMO. Yeah yeah, PS3 and PC and 360 all beat the PS2, but stop whining about "PS2 Limitations"...

I don't usually get involved in online debate, but I dont think its the matter of whining about ps2 limitations. The ps2 IS limiting the game. Your HD full, therefore the rest of us cant get new content...or its gonna be recycled. No new models. No huge new areas. Just reskins. Anyone that uses a pc and microsoft paint can take a pic, color it red and blue and save it as skin1.png, then simply reskin is black and white and name it skin2.png. Thats exactly what they doing with the new stuff we get, because ps2 just cant handle more new data. If you had a house that was 3000 square feet, and i had one 1000 square feet, but you were only allowed to put the same furniture i have in mine in yours.... wud you be happy? Now consider, we both paying the same for each home... The limitations the ps2 places on this game gonna be the fastest way to watch this game eat dirt.

this is it, exactly. XI has a set partition on the hard drive and it won't recognize more space

unfortunately, it's sony that has control over that partitioning, not se, and sony isn't going to lift a finger over a game on an ancient console that makes them next to no money
Don't blame us ps2 users that sony f'ed up, our HDDs dont have limited space, XI's partition is just incapable of recognizing "lol dudez theres totally space over der"

I dont recall blaming PS2 USERS for anything. I blame your hardware. If SE posted on POL tomorrow.. "Due to the limitations of hardware, we are currently unable to continue support for FFXI, we are sorry for this, and thank all our loyal users for the many years of support. Thank you." Would you care? Guess what? Microsoft does this almost EVERY 5 years when a new OS comes out. Got Win2000, want WinXP...UPGRADE. Got XP, want Win7...same story upgrade. By your logic, we'd all still be driving 1987 Honda Accords with no initiative to do better. PS2 died. Sony doesn't support it. SE can barely support it. All these years people whined about new stuff in game....and now the one limiting factor that determines if we getting it is like what...8year old hardware? Businesses are about making money. When a product becomes unprofitable due to limitations or new competition, inevitably support ends. This game still makes money, but how long will that continue when its reached a software standstill?
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Osaia
Posts: 367
By Bismarck.Osaia 2011-02-02 22:57:27
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Sylph.Amfortas said:
And when SE drops support of PS2 users is when I will quit. I don't see why PS2 users should be forced into buying/using a new platform to continue playing. There are many people who just do not have the resources to buy a new/used PC, Fail X-box or PS3. Personally, I like my PS2, take very good care of it, and I laugh because no matter what happens, the entire FFXI "family" of players will always find something to gripe about. Unless you have 20 characters with a dozen mules each, it's still cheaper than going out to eat five nights a week, going to a movie, football, basketball, soccer, or baseball game. Heck, I know people who can pay their FFXI fees each month but not their bills or put gas in their cars or food on the table. Sony, SE and Pol need to get off their duffs to resolve the issue to everyone's satisfaction and not exclude/punish those who choose to stay with PS2.

Sony doesn't NEED to do anything..and ultimately wont. No amount of ball-licking gonna make them fix it, and there's no money in it for them. PS3 is cash cow now. Support ended for ps2 officially almost 2 years ago. SE CANT do anything. Ps2 isn't their hardware...SE's only a software company...and POL is just a frontend for FFXI access.
Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
Posts: 177
By Midgardsormr.Zenshiro 2011-02-02 23:03:29
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They can't port FFXI to ps3 they said in a interview it be too hard and there big idea was to make a new game so ps3 can enjoy a mmo on there system which became ffxiv. Because recoding ffxi to the PS3 would take longer then making a new MMO so don't ever think about FFXI porting to PS3 because if you want that then play ffxiv.

To tell you the true the ppl saying they quit if they drop the ps2 really need to think about it. I can play FFXI on a 1core 2.90Ghz 64mb video mobo on high setting. any pc Window xp and up can play ffxi so just get yourself a pc. Top of that soon they fix FFXIV everyone going to go too ffxiv and FFXI going to die.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Sect
Posts: 6386
By Quetzalcoatl.Xueye 2011-02-02 23:08:05
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Sylph.Amfortas said:
And when SE drops support of PS2 users is when I will quit. I don't see why PS2 users should be forced into buying/using a new platform to continue playing. There are many people who just do not have the resources to buy a new/used PC, Fail X-box or PS3. Personally, I like my PS2, take very good care of it, and I laugh because no matter what happens, the entire FFXI "family" of players will always find something to gripe about. Unless you have 20 characters with a dozen mules each, it's still cheaper than going out to eat five nights a week, going to a movie, football, basketball, soccer, or baseball game. Heck, I know people who can pay their FFXI fees each month but not their bills or put gas in their cars or food on the table. Sony, SE and Pol need to get off their duffs to resolve the issue to everyone's satisfaction and not exclude/punish those who choose to stay with PS2.

Are you posting via a computer?

Then you don't have to do anything special.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Arck
Posts: 10
By Fairy.Arck 2011-02-02 23:15:29
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I mean at this point in the game its hard to say what SE is going to do next. There is room for more. This could just the end of the road as well.
Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
Posts: 177
By Midgardsormr.Zenshiro 2011-02-02 23:15:44
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Sylph.Amfortas said:
And when SE drops support of PS2 users is when I will quit. I don't see why PS2 users should be forced into buying/using a new platform to continue playing. There are many people who just do not have the resources to buy a new/used PC, Fail X-box or PS3. Personally, I like my PS2, take very good care of it, and I laugh because no matter what happens, the entire FFXI "family" of players will always find something to gripe about. Unless you have 20 characters with a dozen mules each, it's still cheaper than going out to eat five nights a week, going to a movie, football, basketball, soccer, or baseball game. Heck, I know people who can pay their FFXI fees each month but not their bills or put gas in their cars or food on the table. Sony, SE and Pol need to get off their duffs to resolve the issue to everyone's satisfaction and not exclude/punish those who choose to stay with PS2.

You do know that any PC can play FFXI without problem that is Window XP and up? I played on a Window XP 1core 2.90ghz 64mb video 512MB ram and played on high setting without lag? Then you can just buy a PS2--> USB for your ps2 controller and set up your controller and play on PC? If you right now on this website then you have a good enough PC to play FFXI.
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Tarowyn
Posts: 737
By Unicorn.Tarowyn 2011-02-02 23:17:44
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I could browse this website on my old celeron 450. That would not run FFXI very well, lol.

On a more on topic note, PS2 limitations mainly seem to affect things that are on screen/in memory at the time, ie. bag space, key items, auto translate. It's never been shown to hamper what they could add in terms of new zones/mobs/etc... They were caught by surprise with the whole PS2 problem in the last patch which indicates they weren't using reskinned stuff for space reasons, most likely just for economic ones.
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Kovalev
Posts: 145
By Gilgamesh.Kovalev 2011-02-02 23:23:19
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They could do a survey for maybe 2-3 months that would pop up and would be unskipable like after that page that tells you not to forgot your family, friends etc... on the ps2 version stating that continuing to support ps2 prevents major game developments from being done (i stil play on ps2 and believe it is holding the game back).

From the results they get they could take a business decision, on their side it's all about that after all. They could also release expansions that are PC, ps3(ps2 graphics sadly) and xbox only. Leaving ps2 behind while still allowing it's users to play the game without the new content.

The best scenario would be a total recoding for a ps3 version but unless FFXIV continues to apparently fail miserably even after the ps3 launch i could not bet on that. Damn would it be awesome tho. Do it SE! :D

Edit: The question would be something like would you approve of SE stopping to develop content for the ps2 in order to make the game progress further. I would vote YES.
Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
Posts: 177
By Midgardsormr.Zenshiro 2011-02-02 23:36:51
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Gilgamesh.Kovalev said:
They could do a survey for maybe 2-3 months that would pop up and would be unskipable like after that page that tells you not to forgot your family, friends etc... on the ps2 version stating that continuing to support ps2 prevents major game developments from being done (i stil play on ps2 and believe it is holding the game back).

From the results they get they could take a business decision, on their side it's all about that after all. They could also release expansions that are PC, ps3(ps2 graphics sadly) and xbox only. Leaving ps2 behind while still allowing it's users to play the game without the new content.

The best scenario would be a total recoding for a ps3 version but unless FFXIV continues to apparently fail miserably even after the ps3 launch i could not bet on that. Damn would it be awesome tho. Do it SE! :D

Edit: The question would be something like would you approve of SE stopping to develop content for the ps2 in order to make the game progress further. I would vote YES.

Like i said before They can't recode FFXI for the ps3 it would take longer then making a new game that why they made FFXIV. SE does not really care about FFXI anymore. FFXIV is there new game and they like everyone from FFXI to move on too FFXIV they said this in interview over and over again.

I would say Drop the PS2 and make FFXI Cost 9.95 a month and later just shut down FFXI all together. They did say that want FFXI to last 11years lol that coming very close.
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Kovalev
Posts: 145
By Gilgamesh.Kovalev 2011-02-02 23:41:18
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Midgardsormr.Zenshiro said:
Gilgamesh.Kovalev said:
They could do a survey for maybe 2-3 months that would pop up and would be unskipable like after that page that tells you not to forgot your family, friends etc... on the ps2 version stating that continuing to support ps2 prevents major game developments from being done (i stil play on ps2 and believe it is holding the game back). From the results they get they could take a business decision, on their side it's all about that after all. They could also release expansions that are PC, ps3(ps2 graphics sadly) and xbox only. Leaving ps2 behind while still allowing it's users to play the game without the new content. The best scenario would be a total recoding for a ps3 version but unless FFXIV continues to apparently fail miserably even after the ps3 launch i could not bet on that. Damn would it be awesome tho. Do it SE! :D Edit: The question would be something like would you approve of SE stopping to develop content for the ps2 in order to make the game progress further. I would vote YES.
Like i said before They can't recode FFXI for the ps3 it would take longer then making a new game that why the made FFXIV. SE does not really care about FFXI anymore. FFXIV is there new game and they like everyone from FFXI to move on too FFXIV they said this in interview over and over again.

I know, i heard something along the lines of 2 years to do it and that's why i mentionned that for that to have a slight chance to happen FFXIV would need to be pretty much buried as a total failiure.

Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2011-02-02 23:43:35
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Really wish they would drop the ps2...
Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
Posts: 177
By Midgardsormr.Zenshiro 2011-02-02 23:58:57
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@Kovalev Do you know how much FFXIV cost SE to make? FFXIV is fun game i enjoy it a lot. FFXI was not that great at release and look at it now? Now it just ***because of the 90cap i think that mess up the game and that the reason i quit.

They changing the name of the class in FFXIV back to FF title names like BLM,WHM,RDM and they fixing a lot of it's problem lil by lil. So i don't see FFXIV failing it's there new storyline a new world. FFXI have noting left to give it's old and the storyline is ending it live long enough. I love FFXI and care about it but i think ffxiv would brig what we been looking for in ffxi but better on ffxiv. Having LS Building and Airship in ffxiv going to be fun if they going to do that for ffxiv what else can we see coming? FFXI is old and old coding there noting left to do with it. I played FFXI for 6years before the cop release it a long and good time the memory i never forget.

But if you all want to play ffxi still then get yourself a PC/Xbox and tell them to cancel it for PS2 so maybe ffxi can have more room to grow. maybe you guys can sell more on the AH and other things that PS2 really mess up FFXI.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Osaia
Posts: 367
By Bismarck.Osaia 2011-02-03 00:06:26
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Midgardsormr.Zenshiro said:
@Kovalev Do you know how much FFXIV cost SE to make? FFXIV is fun game i enjoy it a lot. FFXI was not that great at release and look at it now? Now it just ***because of the 90cap i think that mess up the game and that the reason i quit.

They changing the name of the class in FFXIV back to FF title names like BLM,WHM,RDM and they fixing a lot of it's problem lil by lil. So i don't see FFXIV failing it's there new storyline a new world. FFXI have noting left to give it's old and the storyline is ending it live long enough. I love FFXI and care about it but i think ffxiv would brig what we been looking for in ffxi but better on ffxiv. Having LS Building and Airship in ffxiv going to be fun if they going to do that for ffxiv what else can we see coming? FFXI is old and old coding there noting left to do with it. I played FFXI for 6years before the cop release it a long and good time the memory i never forget.

But if you all want to play ffxi still then get yourself a PC/Xbox and tell them to cancel it for PS2 so maybe ffxi can have more room to grow. maybe you guys can sell more on the AH and other things that PS2 really mess up FFXI.

FFXIV is FFXI+1. Same mobs. Same character models. Graphics+1, Gameplay-1. And I own the game, so im not talking out my ***.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 768
By Asura.Arkanethered 2011-02-03 00:20:00
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Just give PS2 reskined leather jerkins and restrict them from new zones. Or just lock them out with a hard drive error that cannot be resolved soon. I'm sure many of them would find a way to play.
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Kovalev
Posts: 145
By Gilgamesh.Kovalev 2011-02-03 00:28:07
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Midgardsormr.Zenshiro said:
@Kovalev Do you know how much FFXIV cost SE to make? FFXIV is fun game i enjoy it a lot. FFXI was not that great at release and look at it now? Now it just ***because of the 90cap i think that mess up the game and that the reason i quit. They changing the name of the class in FFXIV back to FF title names like BLM,WHM,RDM and they fixing a lot of it's problem lil by lil. So i don't see FFXIV failing it's there new storyline a new world. FFXI have noting left to give it's old and the storyline is ending it live long enough. I love FFXI and care about it but i think ffxiv would brig what we been looking for in ffxi but better on ffxiv. Having LS Building and Airship in ffxiv going to be fun if they going to do that for ffxiv what else can we see coming? FFXI is old and old coding there noting left to do with it. I played FFXI for 6years before the cop release it a long and good time the memory i never forget. But if you all want to play ffxi still then get yourself a PC/Xbox and tell them to cancel it for PS2 so maybe ffxi can have more room to grow. maybe you guys can sell more on the AH and other things that PS2 really mess up FFXI.

I actually think that FFXIV will succeed, them postponing the ps3 release was a great decision and probably saved the game itself. I don't know how much money they've put into exactly but i do know that it's an amount that will make em do everything they can in order to make the game succeed.

Yes, it should grow into something absolutly amazing as time goes by, just like FFXI did in some ways even tho the potential of 14 is much much greater. But the gameplay isn't the same at all and all of the above doesn't mean that tons of ppl will play it for years, it has the potential to fail. Such thing do happen in the MMO market, no matter how bad some company wants their game to succeed.

I don't know if i'm gonna like it, i'm still bummed out on the no auto-attack thing, from what i know you can't even communicate with ppl effectively without becoming a lifeless punching bag for mobs. And can't believe i hear about copy/pasted wasteland, it's a disgrace to me. I have never had that thought in 11.
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