For all you die hard Redmages out there.Get the PDT and Shield Mastery +2 Augment your not going to be getting hardly any interrupts with this shield. With the +2 Shield Mastery you will get +4 TP return on every block with your shield. For any RDM who are worth their salt they know that this is a sanguine blade dream combo. Not to mention that with Shell V your going to be close to 50% MDT Cap. Its a Buckler so your going to block often anyway. This is a MUST for any RDM.
Drop from skirmish yorcia weald.
Even tier 1 visage have a chance for that.
Also, you have a chance to get a lebondopt wing for completing at least the primary objective.
Trading an amount of them to Lola in eastern adoulin, near oston, give you rights to get any drop from skirmish yorcia.
This shield cost 3 lebondopt wing.
Still dont know if this can be augmented.