I'm unsure if haste falls into its own category it pops in with acc/atk/etc, But whatever the case, This set sits between 3-4 Categories, as was their told design limit.
Thank god, finally a melee piece for RDM in all of Adoulin. I know, I know, lolMeleeRDM, but for real. Haste+3% on top of all of these other stats puts them as our best TP hands. On top of that, 9STR, 31DEX, 26MND, 20Acc, KoR, CDC, and Req are all using these hands!
That does not even start to mention MND Enfeebling Potency, Cure Received when soloing, and MDT sets thanks to the Evasion & MND/INT on these.
All in all, these hands are the best thing RDM could have asked for, I am ecstatic we got 3 pieces out of the 4 pieces of gear this update, and 2 of those 3 are good for melee even!