You can tout Phoryc all you want. At the end of the day, you need to realize that there are folks out there that don't play job classes that will get invited to win at NNI. Or that they may have the jobs desired and not the weapons (RME).
Lets say this is easier to obtain. For those of us that fall into the category of not getting into NNI, pieces like this are very attractive.
I choose not to attack anyone personally, but I have a feeling that anyone that tries to downplay how nice newer stuff is probably trying to justify to themselves all the effort they put into getting NNI gear. Or they bought it and feel cheated now.
It happens every expansion. Hell, almost every update.
@Apocalus: The "House of Karieyh" is actually the name of one of the noble houses (did I get that right?) of Adoulin and this armor is named after them. That said tho, the acctual name of the house could still be drawn from a hat, like you said :x
Obtained from Peacekeeper's Coalition when they are in possession of the Signboard... Assuming your server isn't a bunch of retards that vote for the first thing they click on >_>