Maybe on your server. Currently cost ~7mil to make. And since it uses popular Vagary items, and Koh-I-Noor which is a pain in itself to HQ3, prices dropping on this ring aren't going to happen for a very long time
@ Skyrant - No, because Dark Matter has been at least 500-1M on every server as of the augment update where they announced you could use them as an extra augment stone. I would know this because I buy at least two a week and have since Blurred weapons were released. Dark matter was about 50K before augment update, but not after, it definitely shot wayyy up.
@Slyshen @Capsules To be fair, all the Vagary crafting materials were dirt cheap before these recipes hit the servers. Usually below 50k each. Now you are lucky to find them below 2 mil each on Asura.