@Garota - You wouldn't have to lose the BP II- if you just slipped this in mid Blood Pact. Doesn't matter though since the second you remove that ammo piece, away goes those 20 levels on the Avatar.
Since it is not increase Avatar Level, it's an Elemental Siphon macro piece at best. Could have been a potential replacement for Eminent Sachet, Idaraaja, or Seraphicaller... I would have been willing to sacrifice that "Blood Pact" recast time II for Avatar MAB+6, but not without the Avatar Level increase.
This is indeed the biggest fail out of the iLv118 Walk of Echoes gear...
And all they would have had to do to make it worth using would be to have it have a displayed iLv.
I'm pretty sure like Eital pointed out and Garota said: SMNs wouldn't mind losing 1iLv on the avatar for +3Blood Boon and +6MAB on magic BPs...
Way to fail, SE.
Hopefully they update this with an iLv in the near future. (or it does have one and it's just not displayed.)
I understand that this is a summoner piece but don't negate the fact that this has -5 enmity on it. This is a wonderful cure piece for every job that can equip it.