How can a comment as ignorant and erroneous as Krysten's be rated up?
Magian staves are percentage based so as BLMs get stronger (with more INT and MAB gears like Hagondes) so too do the Magian staves. As such on a well geared BLM Magian staves will put out much better damage than Atinian for Tier 4 and 5 nukes where Atinian's magic damage +195 becomes irrelevant.
That being said Atinian staff is an amazing staff for Tier 1 and 2 nukes. It is there that its magic damage +195 stat really shines. This allows you to put out very potent tier 1 and 2 nukes for very little MP which can be very useful in events like the new Yorcia Weald Skirmish. Atinian also has the advantage of having magic accuracy +180 on it which really helps in avoiding resists in high end Adoulin content.
Magian staves and Atinian are all amazing staves if you know how to get the best out of them. A good BLM will have both.
SE Programmer 1: I have a great idea to anger everyone that put in lots of time an effort to make all the Magian Staves to nuke with.
SE Programmer 2: Do tell, friend! I'm always down for boning over the playerbase that pays us.
Sarcasm aside, can any math gurus out there say with certainty that this really is the shiz or is it just good to replace some MAB from other slots? Not much of a nuker myself, so I don't know if stacking that much will really create the effect I'm thinking of.
Probably the best staff in game. Fully augmented soothsayer can beat mab and int, but this have higher mag dmg and mag acc, so better for stun sets.
Currently its over 5m but the recipt isnt expensive. Aside gabbranth horn, all ingredients are under 50k, being the horn the reason for this price. Though 6,5m is a worth price (as a fully augmented soothsayer shoud cost something like that), as the tojil runs are happen often pos update, and the offer is greater than demand, expect this staff to steady drop as the horns price drop.
I cant say how much it will cost, but maybe in a month, when pugs can beat tojil, this staff can cost something between 2~3m.
Having this staff and the magian ones for BLM is great, but when your tier 1 nukes hit for 400-800 dmg within 3-4 tier one spells you will have almost matched or out matched the dmg of tier 4/5 spells, for less than half the cost of a single tier 4/5/JA. A good blm will have both for stun acc. But I am not sure how well magians do vs this staff for stuns, given you have a straight +180 M.aac on it.
As a scholar I wanted to check if this staff would be better than the 99 Elemental Trial staff just in case the latent bonus to weather/element was beyond that of just sheer Magic Damage + and MAB.
Using Vourukasha I and Atinian on a bedrock crag casting Blizzard I while hailstorm was active. Consistently the Vourukasha I would hit for about 428 and Atinian for about 700. (Elemental Obi was on to ensure weather bonus was applied)
I don't think it would have made much a difference for higher teir nukes since the MAB+25 alone would outperform the Vourukasha.
On a side note, the staff is great for colonization reives if you just wish to spam Teir I nukes over and over again without running out of MP, or to give that Helix spell an extra "oomp" to the base damage (which is repeated each tick).