Macro in Buremte gloves (13% rec) and you're already at a 37.8% self cure potency (1.22*1.13).
Add to that macro:
Kunaji Ring (5% rec)
Chuq'aba Belt (5% rec)
Tempered Cape (4% pot)
Phalaina Locket (4% pot / 4% rec)
and that brings you up to 30% pot 27% received. Now I know that's not cap, but that is a 65.1% self cure potency boost (1.3*1.27) which isn't half bad.
P.S. If someone mentions to me that cure pot cap is 50%, let me preemptively slap you and point out the difference b/t cure potency and self cures (cure potency * cure received)...
An amazing Club on RDM, allow you to land enfeebles and increase your CP on one piece. Two thing's you'll find yourself doing a lot of in WKR and delve in general.
Doesn't appear to be the case Achy, naked testing on lightday with aurorastorm on, and the Korin obi, chatoyant appears to be doing less than Tamaxchi by about 10-15%.