In music "legato" (Italian for "tied together") indicates that musical notes are played or sung smoothly and connected. That is, the player transitions from note to note with no intervening silence.
Changing my original comment. The song duration does indeed work in offhand, I'm not sure if this was changed or my initial testing was faulty. Even with only 5% duration, this is still (and always has been) a nice piece for non-carn brds... although I will continue to say this is in NO WAY comparable to carn. 60s vs 6s is not even a debate. For carn brds, you'll have to decide on your own whether 6/12s extra duration is worth losing /whm or /rdm. (imo it's not, but to each their own!)
Can also drop from Normal (lvl 109) difficulty on Kindred Spirits, although I assume this is rare as most gear or weapon drops tend to be on normal difficulty.
Following on from Calipso's comment: in the Ark Angel II fights it helps to /nin so actually dual-wielding this a Felibre's Dague is not a bad combination and I'm using Terpander for a third song.