Your equipped with a Mandau lvl 99. DMG 55 Delay 176 ATK+40 Occ. 3x damage.
Gear Haste 25%
March 1 & 2 + SoulVoice
Samurai Roll 11 w/ samurai
Blitzer's Roll 11
Haste Samba 5 merits
Double Attack 15%
Triple Attack 11%
Well you get a delay of 35.2(.59 seconds) TP per hit 9.1 (11 hits for 100TP)
So basically every 3-6 seconds your releasing a weapon skill....
I'm sure other combo's could work out better, but this is the shortest delay achievable by a thief who still wishes to do considerable damage. Take out 26 delay if you go to something with 150 delay like a Hornet Needle, But your only dropping to low damage 12 hits for a WS, and a delay of 30(.50) seconds.
Now after a 5 hit WS where all hits land your looking at only needing 9 hits to your next WS or 5.31 seconds.