Pretty unforgiving NM if you miss a stun on it's TP move or a spell it casts on itself,
Every Lightning Spell it uses/ Or that your Alliance Uses on it levels it up and absorbs it. Every time lightning hits it he uses Fulmination. AoE range hit me from 32.0 + away
Best advice is don't fight it on a day when you need a Lightning proc (duh right?)
This, af1 body and af2 head = 25% potency with only 3 pieces. I'm no dancer but that seems pretty cool, also, that's the equivalent of an extra waltz every 4. Not sure how heavy the demand for dnc healing outside low man is but it still seems really cool. Also, *i think* accuracy helps land steps, if that's true not much usage inside abyssea thanks to the RR/VV etc but still outside abyssea this knife is cool, boosts a main ability while also not inhibiting your ability to gain TP (unless you count this against an occasionally attacks X times weapon).