This has an odd hidden effect that seems to make it hit like Formless Strikes. It does normal damage through invincible, and hits elementals for extra damage.
After Weeks of Testing i will confirm that This scythe simply Deals Damage that is not "Piercing" Slashing" Or "Blunt" but it IS physical damage NOT magical. If it was Magical it would not be affected by PDIF Witch it IS. the Scythe Deals "Twilight scythe" damage that set the Damage Types Modifiers to 1 on all typs of monsters aswell as bypassing "Physical immunity" or "Physical shield" affects (Will not bypass if the mob has a mode that absorbs ALL types of damage)
Its also good to know that most monsters are set to a .879 Damage type mod for slashing.
I still have the original version of this weapon. Is it worth getting it “upgraded” to the new one that has the recast timer, or am I better off leaving it as it is?
Have tested and can confirm /sam /dnc with any kinda of enspell or samba or even a grip with additional effects....this will not proc....but :) happy to can work any time after WS or a simple melee attack if not using enhancement effects....procs seems to be 5% and since finding out how it works...of course with double and triple attacks I see this move tons more....dolls and crabs are great test subjects of course for a DRK