With the added Str on this, it would be comparable to the first stage GA Empyrean weapon, but with slightly more oomf for those str modified ws. Plus, it has amnesia and the Bhuj look, which is nice if you're into that.
Preliminary findings:
2-5% proc rate, possibly influenced by enemy level.
It seems to be 7-14s duration for the most part. One time I got a 36s duration in campaign.
I had one proc so far on Long bowed chariot, for 7s. Short but sweet nonetheless.
The damage is great.
Perdu voulge, we had some good times but I think it's time for me to move on.
This NM is roaming.
No force pop.
Try to avoid to have numerous DD around it, it does a drain-ga ability or spell quite annoying.
Better to get TP on mobs around and use only weapon skill on it and then go away.
Its weak to Wind, very resistant to ice and lightning
ZOMG! Absolutely amazing weapon! Being able to stick Amnesia on something such as an HNM is just epic. I don't even have Warrior or Dark, but I'd level Warrior just for this weapon!