With the latent active, this is slightly better than a Perdu Voulge. Except no true 6 hit build with it, but still pretty good.
But, as of this posting (December 2008), nobody knows how to trigger the latent (none of the rumors have been proven). That makes it slightly weaker than perdu.
It's almost 2012 and we still have no definite answer on what the Latent is. I think it's time for SE to let us know what it is. It's just about the only item that hasn't been figured out by a player! Usually SE will tell us when enough time has passed. I think this is a case..I'm just curious. I still have one in my Storage. It's half decent but with the addition of all the level increases there are far superior Axes out there now. I'm just curious to what it is cause I've had mine since 2008 and I've tried everything I could possibly think of! Guess I'm the Fool who got Killed!